Thursday, December 30, 2010

Heathen Rage Capleton 12 Image

Buoni propositi.

Una breve lista di buoni propositi Shinseikai per il nuovo anno:

- Restare calmi.
- Tenere le orecchie bene aperte.
- Respirare correttamente.
- Non perdere la concentrazione.
- Tenere la guardia alta.
- Adeguare la preparazione atletica.
- Mettere l'Ego ben al di sotto della Passione.

E i vostri?

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 Monster Energy Mini Fridge


Erano fratelli. Non nel senso biologico della parola, ma nella dimensione più profonda, non immediatamente percepibile da agenti esterni, non intuibile con l’umano talento del comprendere qualcosa senza le sufficienti informazioni. Erano diversi ed uguali, ed alle volte, in intimità, era possibile vedere l’invisibile legame che li univa, come una corrente d’aria che lambiva i loro volti senza toccarli.

straid One was on a hospital bed, the other sitting on the side. They smiled wearily in turn, as to give the gearbox in a chassis run uphill, the pursuer and the hare playing its role to give to another to make sure you arrive at the finish. There was something special in the eyes of both, perhaps a conscious moment of non-repeatability. Like life. Or the life that goes away.

One was dying, the other was beside him, thinking ...

the meeting.
James was an introverted kid, skinny, chiaropallida complexion, the tendency to turn his eyes downward and the habit of clearing his throat when he had to say something, but not important. The parents had separated the year before, and lived with his mother, following her transfer to another town where they had other homes, other accents, other customs. It was a strange day of autumn wind but warm atmosphere that allowed to foresee the imminent arrival of harsh winter. James was heading to his first day in new school, new city, in the new life - with the school year already begun, the city well under way, and the life around him who ran without panting.

knocked on the door semitransparent class, causing an unbearable silence and the magnetization of all the hostile stares of the students sitting on benches. He waited for the consent of the teacher and went up, trying not to wallow in shame and discomfort of being looked at right angles to those eyes without color, without a healthy curiosity. The voice of the professor who chanted his name at the funeral audience was sandpaper, coarse, and James - at that moment - I hope to disappear. Or at least be ossidoridotto at the subatomic level. The redox through dowsing - on time - not the case, James was accompanied by the voice and abrasive to his desk. James sat down, looked at left and right, checking looks ashen, which gradually went out, and began to breathe.

"Hello.'m Alfredo Fourteen "

She had not noticed the presence at his desk. He had noticed that the benches were for two people. He turned his head toward the voice, and fell silent, leaving the lips parted for several millimeters. He was a kid like him, but he was ... different. He had dark skin, with some metallic sheen, a strange dress, two large and deep eyes. No hair. And he smiled.
Oh capers.
James knew exactly what was an android, even though he had never seen one. so far.
James tried to smile back at best. It was the first smile he had received since he was transferred to the new capital, and the smile that had produced a return had not revealed much. The microdubbio the roses triggering the uncontrolled response of the hand in his pocket in search of something, a pledge to leave the boy who had greeted the first, given his chronic misconduct with speech. He drew from his pocket a ball of steel, of those to build the geometric shapes. He thought that as a token of friendship initial robotics was really a disaster of irreverence, but had nothing in his pocket and could not pass the time. Alzò le sopracciglia due volte, e passò la pallina nelle mani - perfette - dell'altro, che prima lo guardò grato e incuriosito, e poi posizionò lo sguardo sulla pallina come se fosse il Koh-I-Noor . Il resto della lezione di quel giorno, per i due, passò senza importanza, tra le occhiatacce dei lugubri che lampeggiavano ad intermittenza.

Alfredo Quattordici venne a sapere parecchie cose su Giacomo e sul posto da dove veniva. Il padre di Giacomo era un Ingegnere che costruiva palazzi, e la mamma invece una Biomeccanica. Quando i suoi tornavano dal lavoro, la sera, litigavano fino all'ora di andare to bed. Or at least, in Giacomo Blathers heard them up at the touch of Morpheus. The situation dragged on for some time, the natural laziness and forced James to find a reason to stay, at least a few hours, blaring out of the house when returning from their jobs. And this reason was still to find, now that Mom and Dad had decided to follow two separate ways.

James also learned several things from Alfredo Fourteen. Her skin was a mixture of titanium, and the number after the name was an agreement imposed by law. Every twelve months, had to return - for a week - in a specialized center for Change, which was applied a procedure that adequate il suo corpo all'età anagrafica. Non mangiava, ma poteva apprendere. Era guardato malissimo dai suoi coetanei e generalmente osteggiato quasi apertamente (i movimenti per i diritti dei Pensanti sarebbero pienamente maturati solo cinquant'anni dopo), ma nessuno osava toccarlo per paura della sua forza e resistenza fisica. Era stato adottato dai suoi genitori perché non potevano avere figli, e legalmente inserito nella nuova famiglia tramite regolare richiesta all'Anonima Androidi.

Erano una strana coppia di ragazzini, che passavano molto tempo insieme, che alle volte non parlavano, e che venivano costantemente sbeffeggiati dalla comunità studentesca con vari epiteti, da 'Carne con Scatola' a 'gli RH Negativo'. Fourteen Alfredo was suffering a bit, 'but he did not see. James was suffering a bit ', but he could not hide it. Often saw them walking on the walk near the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe pond, playing to bounce the rocks as frogs or lying on the grass to let pass the time by describing dreams and hopes. Other times they took the Underground and went to the Old City, even in areas not strictly peaceful, James could rely on physical puissance Fourteen Alfredo, Alfredo, and fourteen on the silent wisdom of James.

And during one of these clandestine trips they discovered a well-kept park and a small gym, not clean and carpeted old photographs, inhabited by a Master, an old martial arts champion, who would become places to spend the time you finish a class.

time flowed at the rate of changes and alterations trichological Alfredo Fourteen of James. Fourteen Alfredo was very good play in coordination and body movement, which tried to teach James. James was brought in literature and science, and he was available to reps for Alfredo Fourteen. They made a pact: one was to help the other overcome their difficulties and weaknesses in the area where the other demonstrated excellence and talent.

At the park, sunny days, Alfredo Fourteen James followed in his flights of fancy in its games and rhymes.
" What should I write? " asked Alfred Fourteen.
" not think about what you write, think about what want to write. " James retorted.
"I want to write silence and nature. .
"Excellent . You can dance the words, look for it until you move like a corps de ballet. .
" Let's see ... chase the silence and he runs away .
"Well . Nice phrase. What comes to mind to go with her? "
" I have to do away with the rhyme ... "
" Daaai. You must not do so unnaturally. If the rhyme is, let her, but if the wheels will not find it. .
" runs through the trees, the wind is lost .
" Good, but you can improve it ..
" How? .
" Try to describe less, and to hear more. What do you really mean? .
" walking among the trees and the quiet scares me, and at the same time ... is beautiful. .
" We're close. .
" chase the silence, lost in the wind
The time between the trees, walking slowly "
James smiled. "'ve seen. Did you write a rhyme. How did you come? "
" do not know. .
" why you wrote. It 's the rhyme that you tried, and not vice versa. .
Alfredo Fourteen smiled and hugged James with his eyes.

In the gym of the old standard, when it rained, Alfredo James followed in his Fourteen perfect representations of the movements that had copied watching the old master in his afternoon workout. James looked Alfredo Fourteen figures represent the same pensive and kidnapped Alfredo Fourteen assumed that when James sang his verses. Fourteen Alfredo sang the poetry of the body naturally, without stuttering or hesitation. Fourteen
Alfredo and James were paired: one proposed a series of movements of arms, legs and body in sequence, and the other tried to replicate them. Fourteen
Alfredo announced the sequence, which carried out immediately after.
" Guard left, bottom left roundhouse kick, punch left hook Right, Small left upright. .
Giacomo reproduced the sequence, waiting for signs of Alfredo Fourteen.
Alfredo Fourteen, in a low voice, began the comment.
"You have the wrong guard position, the legs should be slightly bent - as ready to spring shoot. The roundhouse kick was not enough ... Circular, you must first turn the foot and the opposite leg and then with the whole body, trying to turn the other leg impact in an area that is about four inches below the knee. You have performed the technique without arms movements of hip and shoulder, missing the target and, in the case of small upright left, you hit the area was much higher, then The technique has proven to be ineffective e. .. ".
Alfredo Fourteen stopped, he entered the Master.
Master came almost levitating on the floor, looked at James first, then Alfredo Fourteen, and between the good-natured and 'he said ironically, "And ' came the Master, the Master of Shinseikai. . "Height (perceived) of the two boys reached the level of the tatami, Mogi saluted the Master and began to layout the side where students usually study forms and movements. They both believed that the word spoken by the teacher was his name, among them - by which time - they called it.

Love Life James was full of successes. Alfredo Fourteen had clearly perceived the interest of James for a brunette dressed in black, which carefully avoided any possible look, instead devoting himself to receive and return drums look-see at the upper classes. Equally clearly unrestrained adoration he received, against James, by a less flashy girl with glasses in tow, unaware that James (or rather, pretending to ignore). This story of love and infatuation of one-way occupied by Alfredo Fourteen machine cycles for a long time, not to satisfy his curiosity or to arrive at a plausible explanation.

The social life of Alfred Fourteen was not full of successes. James perceived hostility and prejudice against Alfredo Fourteen, which clung like a visible aura, even when he was alone. The androids were seen - in essence - as a necessary evil, a representation of man when the man was not available. A substitute . James Alfred Fourteen had sincerely thought that the quality and sensitivity uncommon even in generally staff, and that their structural difference would never have jeopardized a friendship. Alfredo Fourteen more were subjected to ostracism, he had purchased with the bond strength and resistance to others' stupidity.

James became a Biomechanical, like her mother, and given the enormous demand for skilled personnel almost immediately found work in a multinational company that built parts and software for older men, working in the Department of Research and Development . Fourteen
Alfredo became a personal trainer, and managed to hook the vein of the famous actresses in OloTV, who regarded the union as the androids - ideal - between a bodyguard and an instructor with a special talent to strengthen the body and mind .
They could not meet every day, even if they worked in the same city, but had retained the old habit of composing sonnets to meet at the park (if the sun was shining) or the old, dusty, romantic and unforgettable gym to make suggestions and hear the inflections of the Master, always lively, but accompanied by a stick of untreated wood on which rested the fighting and experiences accumulated over the years. Around thirty-first
Change Alfredo Fourteen, in a sunny afternoon in the park, James began to invent and recite a sonnet about a chance encounter, a heartbeat and loss of appetite, and flowers given to happiness in the world want to scream. Alfredo Fourteen had never experienced similar feelings, but he knew that James was in love. She stopped, her large eyes staring open space in front of him, and began to tremble slightly. James, in turn, he knew that Alfredo Fourteen was crying. Joy.
a couple of changes after James and his partner had the good fortune of having a child, male. James had not the slightest doubt the name would have been that of his friend's life, not the number that his brother was still locked up in the ranks of nearly men. Little Alfred was not only the light of James and his wife, but also dell'androide that children could not have.
meetings in the small gym at the park and continued in three.

Later, especially during summer hot, Alfredo Fourteen began to show any abnormality. He could not speak correctly, suffered from stuttering, remained still and silent, more than his usual phlegm and inorganic.
" you should visit .."
" Dd-it-to whom? My project was abandoned-to-aaa ...." long pause "Ten years ago .."
"'ll try to see in a company, we do so for men through robotic components, we could have done something for the androids through organic parts." James tried to be brave, but his voice was shaky, with no knowledge nor belief, suspecting something serious.

Suspected James were confirmed by an expert: Alfredo Fourteen had reached a stage where any change could be fatal. Its shell could not be changed, and at the same time the housing was causing the degradation or loss of functionality higher. His investigations on the farm gave negative results: all funds for research and development were addressed in the replacement of organic parts with mechanical components, and not vice versa. Fourteen
Alfredo was dying.

... all those years together, and the meaning of the word brother . James
sat, and could not stop smiling and crying. There was no need for this, to find out what a brother. No need to lose, to understand love, love, respect. He wanted to be him, an organic , on that bed, in his place. Fourteen
Alfredo parted lips, hard.
" Live ... loves me, brother .
He tried his hand of James, and handed him the object he had the keeper, robotics care, throughout the whole of his life: a small steel ball, the pledge of friendship that not even death can scratch .

[Special thanks to Isaac and Cyril for the inspiration :-)]

Friday, December 17, 2010

Antique Osterizer Blender

La Lista Nera.

Thanks to my alleged or actual capabilities of hackers are able to identify the IP address Sensei of the iPhone, use nmap to make the scanning of all ports TCP and UDP not locked, the presence of a microserver SSH installed through JailBreak on the phone and then connect - remote - trying to force the password through a brute -force attack. With only 28 minutes of trying, just in time for brunch , I made the fetch of password and gained access to the famous blacklist of Sensei, of which I am publishing the of a snippet in real time, and that account to resell in journals to raise funds with which ; account to buy a manual for writing in Italian is not polluted by information or acronyms and dentures post-retaliation-Sensei.

  • Gabba complains of his Sensei.
  • Gabba does not give one or more iPad his Sensei.
  • Gabba does strange gestures with his hand and misunderstandings.
  • Luke runs off to play football rather than attend the shift non-agonist.
  • Gabba falls asleep and Russian.
  • Lorenzo refuses to take your dose of bromide.
  • Gabba does not give one or more iPad his Sensei.
  • Tullio can not do a double somersault pike as if it were Antani.
  • Gabba talk too much or not talking at all.
  • Gabba swap with Jodan Gedan and vice versa.
  • Gabba has the iPhone 4.
  • Antonio eats sweets and hidden by default.
  • Gabba does not give a iPad or more to his Sensei ( But because three times I ask. Leave it, she replies. )

The remainder will be published as a serial on 'Beating Today' limited edition. ; Now I go, I go for a visit to a seller of urns that I could come in handy, make special discounts to the lanky ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Silver Decorative Wall Letters

Un racconto Shinseikai: i tre cercatori.

Sometimes stories meet so intense that seem written for second-rate novels printed on paper. And even if the genre - comedy, tragedy, satire - is forgotten, and the ending left in the basement of memories - the murderess Butler is the - however there is something inside.
We do not know well what we know not adequately describe it, but I am annoyed by that pebble in the heart that leaves strange and unexpected side effects, such as watery eyes, a considerable difficulty in expressing themselves correctly and a turmoil-proof a thousand camomile .
This is one of those stories. Tell you about it as they have told me, and the person who told me he is not a reliable type, so take it or leave .
E 'set in a faraway country, where there is only one language but many languages \u200b\u200band many ways to say what, in my country, they say one word. And, without ulteriore indugio, eccola qui.

Qualche tempo fa, in un posto in capo al mondo, ho conosciuto un gruppo di Cercatori, che aveva lo scopo di snasare, trovare ed impossessarsi di qualcosa che non era possibile trovare nel proprio paese. I Cercatori erano in tanti: io me ne ricordo tre.
Uno era soprannominato il Maestro, praticava una disciplina dura, era sempre in movimento e alle volte lo vedevi correre. Dico, non riuscivi proprio a vederlo. Era una macchia sfocata, subito sparita, ma lo sapevi che era lui.
Uno era soprannominato il Profondo, sapeva scendere nelle profondità the earth, where there is only heat, lava and death, and always managed to get by. He had two hands like two shovels, and used them to go down and back up.
One was dubbed the singer could describe things with lyrics and poems, playing always to make the rhymes. Of what he wrote and kept a ten throw. And if he asks, "Why throw that you write," he answered "Because it is already written."
I remember them well, there were three lanky, but different. Those rare occasions when he came into the inn with the attendants were strange marks on their height.
And one winter night I met them in a tavern, eating a hot soup.
asked to sit down and offered me their plate. Bowed his head to thank, and after finishing my ration I asked them what they wanted.
The Master said, "I try my limit. I try to understand what I can. I try to improve and new ways to enrich my discipline and be a better teacher."
The Deep said, "I want a new road. So go down to hell and back, and even risk their lives every time I would see if there are other ways to go."
The Chanter said, "I am looking for the inspiration to write something I can read again. I try to write something that can inspire others. "
watched the fire in the fireplace for a while, 'and then we said goodbye to retiring.
I saw them no more for some time.
many times I went to the tavern, I asked them, but I found them.
He spent the season of cold and rainy, and that the flowers arrived. And one evening, I found the Master, the Deep Cantore and at the same table, but with the cowl off.
were their own, but had a different atmosphere. They were different. I asked if I could sit at their table, and I bring three dishes on the table to repay their kindness winter, smiled and accepted the invitation.
When they had finished eating they trusted.
Master, in a low voice, said, "I searched and found my limit, I passed a thousand and thirty opponents, difficulty and pain, and I knew what my next hurdle to overcome: a new limit who searches the old limit as if it were an infant. "
The Deep, looking at the window, said, "I found a new road, and going up, not where there is rock and lava and death, but to the tops of mountains, clouds and water, and will be even more difficult to walk. "
The Chanter was silent. He took a sheet of paper and began writing:" I accompanied the Master and the depth in their adventures, seeking inspiration. I found stories, joys, tears, people. I found so many things that words do not seem enough. "
I saw them out, one by one, with different expressions, as long as tree trunks, and I wondered what I would ask them when they are revised.

I said, what he told me this story is not a reliable one. And 'a running for taverns. But the story seems credible. I asked a friend of mine, a brilliant designer, keep your eyes open, so often find them together somewhere.
If you find them, make me a drawing, so I have proof that the Seekers exist and are chasing something that is not only their shadows.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Birthday Template In Arabic

Made in Japan: Strange Days

Even the minstrels and storytellers sometimes get stuck listening to a vinyl too. The amount of information and feelings accumulated in a few days starts to stimulate some side effects, I'm full of ideas and I do not have the talent and style to written on paper (you fa per dire), e il lessico, i trucchi ed i modi di scrivere che mi sono stati insegnati fino ad oggi non sono abbastanza. Sono giorni strani.

È dicembre pieno e sembra primavera, la vista di un Gaijin (uno straniero) mi provoca un negativo sobbalzo interiore, penso a togliermi le scarpe prima di entrare nella microcamera, sulla scala mobile mi posiziono automaticamente sulla sinistra, sono circondato da persone che si mettono in fila e non cercano di passare avanti, i pasti caldi e buoni costano meno di dieci euro, tecnicamente compio 47 rivoluzioni solari, sono a Tokyo, in Giappone, ho visto un maestro ed un amico dimostrare il coraggio di essere uomo, ho conosciuto un altro amico che è stato il mio Virgilio, invento storie immaginifiche che traslate in scrittura sembrano panni non lavati, rimango senza fiato nei giardini e nei templi di questo paese, il mio inglese ha raggiunto livelli stradali, impugnare un cucchiaio sembra un gesto goffo, e - non ultimo - mi domando se riuscirò ancora a scrivere qualcosa di sensato nel prossimo futuro.

In questi strani giorni ci sarebbe materiale per mille storie, storie strane e belle. Prima o poi le troverò, quelle dannate parole, ma non ora. C'è un tempo ed un luogo per tutto, ed ora è tempo di viverlo, prima di scriverlo.
Auguri Gabba, sei un tipo fortunato. Hai passato i compleanni precedenti a pensare, passa questo ed eventuali altri a vivere, donare felicità, amare chi è lontano, sorridere di più.

"Cherish your life while you're still around" :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Do I Get A Prolapse When I Get My Period

Made in Japan: Shinseikai e cuore.

Part I - The Arrival.

The air in the hall, began to be electric. Our eyes are fixed on the sliding door entrance, waiting for the arrival of Kancho Tanaka, who is revealed smiling and ready to take us to the place where they teach on. The steps towards the station of Kyoto are elastic and silent, and the few words of Tanaka Kancho are intercepted and translated by Lorenzo, our intermediary with the sounds, signs and dreams of this world so away.
The train journey seems endless, and as we move away from Kyoto on contact with reality seems to have changed, the exterior is dimly lit, written in English fading, the entries in Romaji are kept to a minimum, you Parlotti in a low voice, aside from a few smiles to the superimposed voltage for the event you are going to do. At the station
Shinseikai members welcome us with their cars and smiles wide as Japanese melons. It does not seem to be away, but at home!
The streets are dark, not illuminated, and Kyoto seems to be distant as Arcturus, exchange a few words in the car, always with Lorenzo in the shoes of Google Translate, until arrival at a structure illuminata.
Si esce dalla notte per entrare nella scuola, nell'evento, nell'emozione.

Parte II - I bambini Shinseikai.

Ci è concesso l'onore di seguire attivamente il turno dei bambini, con il riscaldamento, i Kihon, ed il Kumite. I miei occhi si velano e rimangono umidi nel vedere questi esserini, vestiti con il Karategi, che ci guardano sorpresi e divertiti mentre ripassiamo le basi insieme a loro. In loro vedo le facce dei miei figli e mi commuovo, e spero che non si veda: chissà cosa fanno Melissa e Mirco, e Alex e Lara. Ogni tanto incrocio lo sguardo con qualcuno di loro. I più coraggiosi tengono lo sguardo e sorridono, e il cuore mi si scioglie, e non posso fare a meno di riflettere about how two cultures are different and how the feelings can make us very similar.
comes a time in the Kumite. We understand that children will face, we have wide on the mat, and a command Iwasaki Sensei taking the children to meet us, often competing with those who arrive first to address the Gaijin guy. Someone smiling, someone has a wry look, someone is pouting: all are fighting like lions, and someone is so small that I can not help but encourage (Ganbatte!) while pulling Tsuki Geri and with a frequency and power impressive for their age. The lesson of Japanese cute kids coming to an end with the merger, stretching and final salute, which gives me a feeling to be told when space and time will be propitious.

Part III - The evidence.

Evidence of Philip part plan, but it becomes at once the pace and power of a tough exam, and special. The basics (Kihon the ) techniques to Pao (the hitters) succeed one another in an impressive manner, leaving very little room for distractions or dangerous lapses in concentration. All the attention of the courts, and in particular the Fourth Dan Shinseikai court, turned to Philip. I try to look at and interpret the movements and facial expressions of the examiner, with poor results. The Ice Age is flawless, but I can see many nodding his head - from top to bottom - in sign language that the common good even in Japan, fortunately, is tantamount to approval. After the equivalent of two lessons Shinseikai (and those attending the Dojo knows what is the effort required) is the turn of the Sabaki , lateral displacements used for defense and attack. Philip chooses her partner (coincidentally, the Sensei Iwasaki), and illustrates the Ice Age several techniques that mutes all students, not just them. The Ice Age
nods this time clear, and I only guessed. The review seems endless, and the best is yet to come. It's the turn of
Kata (forms), beautiful movements, hypnotic, death. The Dojo is quiet, filled with the sounds of the shapes and sounds of the karategi, sometimes soft, sometimes tense. The Kata give way to test the thirty Kumite , thirty uninterrupted fighting, thirty obstacles that last a minute and a half while running - believe me - they are much, much longer.
The fighting one another and the time begins to lengthen, and never seems to end. Many of the opponents are knocked out, get up, even with difficulty, and continue to fight: they can not shortcut, no quick way, there is only hard work, sweat, courage, and above all the right spirit.
As all students, as well as opponents, beginning with eyes (we Italians also with the voice) to encourage Philip to face opponents who do not retreat, do not pull back, fight like a Samurai can do. "GANBATTE, PHILIP" scream, do not give up, the road is still long. The Ice Age
writes on the board signs from Mars, and I've lost count, I can not turn his eyes from the tatami, as mesmerized. Latest
Kumite are made with black belts, the evidence - from hard - almost impossible.
What brings us to overcome our limitations? The right spirit. The memory of loved ones. The memory of those who no longer exists. Courage. The help of all students in the Dojo. The strength to fight for those who can not. The image dei propri cari. La determinazione.
Il trentesimo squillo del timer ci trova in lacrime, le nostre e quelle del nostro Sensei. Non ho più paura di commuovermi. Non ho più paura.
Il Dojo diventa lacrime, applausi, urla. Il Dojo diventa festa.

Parte IV - La festa.

Il Dojo si è trasformato. Da concentrazione, ad azione, a festa. I volti sono sorridenti, Filippo è un Terzo Dan. Mi si avvicinano tutti salutando, mi parlano in Giapponese, io non capisco ma sorrido - sinceramente - e ringrazio. È tempo delle foto di rito. Mi viene concesso l'onore di intrufolarmi nelle fotografie scattate da fotocamere e migliaia di cellulari bianchi rosa grigi neri perla fucsia gialli , tutti uguali, che lampeggiano allegramente come fossero fuochi d'artificio, che cercano di immortalare il momento, come se serbarlo fuori dal cuore fosse importante. E forse lo è davvero. Quante volte potrò essere qui ancora? Quali sogni possono avverarsi? Mentre velocemente ci cambiamo e ci riaccompagnano alla stazione, mi chiedo se un giorno potrò ritornare. Alle volte la fortuna capita una sola volta nella vita. A me è capitata quattro volte, e forse capiterà ancora. La fortuna, alle volte, trova alcuni ostacoli, duri come le pietre che Filippo ha spezzato nel Dojo di Kyoto. E spezzarle sempre dobbiamo, quelle pietre.
L'immagine che mi congeda dal Dojo di Kyoto è quella del saluto del maestro Iwasaki. Riesco solo ad inchinarmi and to say "Sensei ...". He smiles and bows (in front of me, white belt, newcomer) below me.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Watching Digital Playground Movies Online

Made in Japan: La prova.

Today examination. Simply put, a lot of concentration, and tension that will accompany us until tonight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location: Kyoto, Japan

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Funny Wordings For Indian Wedding Functions

Made in Japan: Da Tokyo a Kyoto

transfer from Tokyo to Kyoto gives me a moment of reflection on the boundaries between tradition and modernity .
Just one life to understand the history and culture of a people? E 'enough approach have compiled - or research - to understand where it begins and ends the tradition of modernity? Or maybe we should just 'live' experience through the daily routine?
do not think I know, I do not think there is a solution. And in the case of Japan, the challenge seems to be unequal. The barrier of language and its inherent complexity and historical than occasionally prevents me from any contact with Japanese culture, of which I see some glimmer through the patient explanations (sometimes repeated) by Lorenzo.
I'm on the train to Kyoto, a technological marvel that allows cars to stop exactly where people expect, with an orderly queue, you can enter. And on the same train, the controller and the girl who sells refreshments make a nice bow when entering and when leaving, as a tribute to the traveler-customer and thank him for bringing the money daily. Trite metaphor, perhaps, but to see live is (thankfully) not so obvious.
Meanwhile, I enjoy traveling in a train clean, quiet, precise. Three adjectives and a noun in the country where I come from, often can not be married.
And once we arrived in Kyoto, I would spend the afternoon in a garden like this ... ;-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location: Kyoto, Japan

Commenting On Facebook Obsessively

Made in Japan: Kyoto Dreams

And here I am, watching the sun rising in the appropriate land, taking advantage of the last few minutes before taking the train to Kyoto.
The first leg of the trip has flown by, there remain two, which will have different themes. Listening to the last notes of the crows that make me company, while the day clears the mind and body ...

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Location: 1 丁目, Ota, Japan

Heart Murmur And Ativan

Made in Japan: Kamakura Day

Trains in Japan, have something hypnotic. The voice that announces the station seems to be very friendly and at the same tempo distante, le persone - costantemente - intermediano la propria comunicazione attraverso cellulari, quasi tutti della stessa forma, qualcuno legge libri in verticale, qualcuno dorme, a volte qualcuno parla. Cose apparentemente normali, che qui diventano aliene e quindi più interessanti. Perché normali e diverse e straniere e gemelle. Il treno come metafora della comunicazione e dell'incomunicabilità, e non solo come mezzo di trasporto. Forse dovevo proprio venire in Giappone per scoprirlo.
Oggi il treno mi ha portato a Kamakura, un posto meraviglioso, che ho potuto assaporare grazie alla compagnia dei miei compagni di viaggio. Sensazioni difficili da spiegare, come se la capienza delle parole non rendesse giustizia alla potenza dell'impatto visivo.
Proverò a spiegarlo attraverso figure prese durante il giorno. Un'altra metafora, un presunto parolaio che (in)comunica attraverso fotografie di un giorno non ripetibile...

E' vero, lo scopo di un viaggio non e' coming, but today I was happy to have arrived in Kamakura. I can not imagine a more beautiful way to close the first of the three parts of my stay in Japan.
Tomorrow: Kyoto.

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Location: 1 丁目, Ota, Japan

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Squaw Valley & Kirkwood

Made in Japan: Shinseikai training e iperdensità.

The Japanese experience is becoming dense, and bring it with words began to be difficult. The day lasted 36 hours yesterday, with a good Shinseikai training in a gym where champions train K-1, and where - next to the bags - I saw a photo with the dedication of Andy Hug. I was really caught with emotion, and I hope to be able to return. I lost count of the times when I was in Metro and districts that I visited, I met Robert, an exceptional artist who lives and works in Tokyo, I've been to Asakusa to visit the famous temple, and then a healthy session Shinseikai - strangely survived - meet in Shibuya for dinner. The
all blended together, I was anesthetized until this morning when turning on the phone I found out I had made this photo:

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Location: 1 丁目, Ota, Japan

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bluetooth Ppt Presentation

Made in Japan. Before the Storm.

One sunny morning, pleasant temperature, the crows that for once does not emit that characteristic wail resembling the call of mother-in-law, a full day to live and spend in Tokyo: a perfect morning.
Random thoughts and episodes of yesterday come to mind in a compressed, small change and adapted to the Japanese model, which I try to list below:

- Blessed be the inventor of the Washlet. Technology was never more appreciated in those moments where you're alone and you need to express yourself (the toilet).
- Hell, if it exists, is a place hyper and full of toys to buy, as the district of Akihabara, but you do not have a credit card or we work as a janitor.
- Japanese Fashion just as incomprehensible as the Italian fashion. The universality of bad taste.
- It is true that the Japanese are robotic and unfeeling, last night we had two guests to dinner and have proved largely organic, at least down to 23. Then I went into stand-by.
- My Japanese vocabulary is increased by 100% in a few days. Now I say 'Excuse me'.
- The metro in Tokyo should be preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- The Japanese are extremely polite, but if you must activate the switch mode 'Muted Caterpillar' and move on nuclearized steamroller as the unfortunate patrons placed first.
- Every subway station in Tokyo has a single sound and distinguishable, as a ring tone of programmed cell from Bach lysergic acid.

Japanese first training session today, I will follow the Master in his adventure. I hope that I will not have to buy a return ticket to every part of my body which will take the metro, I would go bankrupt immediately.

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Location: 1 丁目, Ota, Japan

Thursday, December 2, 2010

What Do With Small Lakes

Made in Japan: Size counts.

Waking up a few hours in advance still has some advantages: for example, this morning I'm enjoying a storm of Japan ' water (do not call it rain), writing my blog from a lobby with a view to true humid Japanese garden, leaving al Sensei l'utilizzo della stanza condivisa (si dorme in due ma è utilizzabile da una sola persona alla volta).
La stanza ha un tatami, due letti altezza tatami (futon, credo si chiami l'oggetto), un ingresso omeopatico ed un bagno motorizzato Mitsubishi modello Terminator. Il tutto ha dimensioni lillipuzianamente gradevoli, che stimola una profonda riflessione sullo spazio vitale vero e presunto.

La mia giornata inizia ora, si va a caccia di esperienze, e di una colazione :-)

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Location: 1丁目,Ota,Japan

Testicular Torticollis

Made in Japan - Day One

Che giornata!
Sono a Ota (Tokyo), e non dormo da un certo numero di ore (26?). Condivido una stanza con il Sensei che è minuscola, bella e giapponese.
Le prime impressioni del mio Giappone sono mescolate ad adrenalina, caffè, tempura, sonno arretrato, illuminanti e profonde lezioni di cultura giapponese regalate da Lorenzo, suoni e colori diversi, stanchezza ed euforia. Non riesco a disegnare una metafora decente, ma credo che il Giappone sia come un pianeta gemello, ma eterozigote. Sono un ospite appena arrivato, che terrà la bocca chiusa ed occhi e orecchie bene aperti.
A domani

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Location: 1丁目,Ota,Japan