Friday, April 16, 2010

Painful Lump In Groin On Cat

La Biblioteca Provinciale placed at the center of its cultural projects, educational activities with schools, planning and organizing a series of meetings at the facility.
In this section of the site shall include the activities and initiatives promoted by the Provincial Library "T. Stigliani "of Matera, in conjunction with the events organized by bodies and associations that take place outside but inside the conference room of the Library.
A special space devoted to work deliberately, because the Library intends to take the initiative and report news and events that belong to the province.

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August 12 to October 30

Italo Squitieri

Provincial Library,
second floor, entrance Via Roma

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December 9, 2010

SWAN LAKE with the Russian Ballet Moscow

At 21.00 took the Teatro Duni Matera
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12. Culture Week 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010 at 18:00

in the Conference Room of the Provincial Library

Presentation of the volume of

Agnes Sinisi

Natuzzi. A sofa on Wall Street


Venerdì, 18 dicembre 2009, ore 18.00
Biblioteca Provinciale, Sala Incontri, 2° piano,
Via Roma - Matera

La Direzione è lieta di invitarla all’incontro

Croce e Venturi in un racconto training

Franco Stella, President of the Province of Matera

Goffredo Fofi, Director "The Stranger"
Frank Vitelli , University of Bari
Silvia Berti, University La Sapienza Rome
Pasquale Doria,
Editor "Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno"

For 'opportunity will be presented the book
Benedetto Croce - Franco Venturi,
Correspondence, edited by S. Berti (II Mulino)

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Friday, October 9, 2009 - 18:30
2nd floor - Via Roma
Provincial Library

Presentation de:
The first book of songs for 4 voices
transcribed by MA Cancellaro


Sabato, 10 ottobre 09 - ore 11.30
Sala conferenze
Biblioteca Provinciale

Il Presidente della Provincia di Matera Franco Stella inaugura il Museo dell’A.N.M.I.G. "Gen. Ignazio Pisciotta"

Il 10 ottobre 2009, alle ore 11.30 will be inaugurated, the Museum dell'ANMIG valuable collection of war relics of two world wars named after General Ignacio Pisciotta, "Matera. This collection is housed in the halls of the Provincial Library "T. Stigliani "of Matera and is open during business hours of the Library. The inauguration will take place in the conference room of the Palace of the Annunciation, the seat of the Provincial Library.

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April 18, 2009 - 18.00 - Provincial Library
Exhibition - Review:
Matera Province and through books (ages 11.. -20)
Greetings: Carmine Nigro, President of the Province Matera
Report: Giovanni Caserta , storico e critico letterario
Esposizione dei testi 18 - 26 Aprile - Orario Biblioteca


21 aprile 2009 - ore 19.00 - Sala Convegni Mediateca Provinciale
Pino Oliva
Cronache materane degl'anni '70
presentazione di Antonella Manupelli , direttore Archivio di Stato Matera

24 aprile 2009 - ore 18.00 - Mediateca Provinciale
Presentazione del saggio di: Laurino, Radogna, Settembrino
Guido Spera - The Art and illustrated the extension worker
Greetings: Carmine Nigro, President of Province of Matera Emilio Nicola
Buccico , Mayor of Matera
Luisa Sage, President of the Cultural Women 99
Introduced and coordinated Antonio Pellecchia, President Unitep
Report John Caserta, historian and literary critic
Michele Saporito, Chief Superintendent of the Press and Artistic Heritage
Giuseppe Palumbo, American
Conclusions: Vincenzo Viti Regional Minister to the Agriculture
authors will be present and Profssa Maria Lombardo Spera

April 27, 2009 - 18:00 - Provincial Library
Father Serafino Salandra and the tragedy of ' fallen man
Speaker: Rocco Brancati , Journalist RAI TG 3 Basilicata

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Monday, October 27 2008

Orienteering in Biblioteca

Caccia al tesoro in Biblioteca con la partecipazione dei ragazzi delle scuole elementari di Matera.


27 settembre or and 18.00

Exhibition Hall Library (2nd floor)


Renato Sciolan

II Custodian of Time

Collective ArtistiEnergia of the arola by Fondazione D'Ars Signorini - Milan and the Visual Arts Studio - Matera

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September 28 18:00
Conference Room Palazzo Annunziata

Presentation of the book

Bishops and the Catholic Reformation

laterza, Mottola, Castellaneta (1544-1572) of
Raffaella Bongermino

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Documentation Centre
"R Scotellaro and Basilicata after World War II" Largo S.

Terre Agrarian Reform: the case Calle di Tricarico

Seminario di studio
in occasione della ristampa del volume

Storia ed evoluzione
di una Azienda Agricola in Lucania di Guido Spera

venerdì 23 maggio 2008 - ore 16,00


Tavola rotonda per la presentazione del volume


di Guido Spera

Sabato 24 maggio - ore 18,00
Sala conferenza Palazzo dell'Annunziata - Matera

CARMINE NIGRO Presidente della Provincia di Matera
GIUSEPPE DIGILIO Assessore provinciale alla cultura
GREGORIO ANGELINI Direttore Centro di documentazione Tricarico
RAFFAELLO MARSILIO Sindaco di Tricarico
RAFFAELE GIURA LONGO Presidente Deputazione Storia Patria per la Lucania

Presentazione dell'opera
GIAMPAOLO D'ANDREA Università della Basilicata

FRANCA ASSANTE Università di Napoli
ALFONSO PONTRANDOLFI Presidente Centro "Carlo Levi" - Matera
ENZO SPERA Università del Molise
ANTONIO GIAMPIETRO Presidente Centro Studi di Storia delle Tradizioni Popolari di Puglia, Basilicata e Calabria
Coordina il giornalista FILIPPO RADOGNA
Sarà presente la prof .ssa MARIA LOMBARDO SPERA



National Conference and the Permanent Forum

on new technologies applied to Cultural Heritage.

March 13, 2008
Provincial Meeting Room Gallery Piazza Vittorio Veneto

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Monday, November 19, 18:00
Pepi Merisio
For the ancient streets
dott. Carmine Nigro - Presidente Provincia di Matera
Biblioteca Provinciale - Palazzo dell'Annunziata