Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Dangerous Is Anbesol

Amato expels from the party and local councilors Minute mangiari

In a letter sent to the coordinator Can provincial Philip, the coordinator of Molfetta, Robert Amato announced his decision:
"The undersigned Robert Amato, Commissioner UDC Molfetta city, community, provincial secretary, in the person of the Provincial Coordinator, Dr. Philip Glass jar , deciding to 'expulsion from the party with immediate effect, members of Ms Anna Carmela Minute and Mr. Francis mangiari, both current councilors of the town of Molfetta, nell'UDC elected in the last administration in 2008, for the following reasons:
The Minute elected Councillor Anna Carmela, in the last row of the UDC Administrative, 2008, City Council, it had first participated in the provincial elections of 2009, candidates with the party Puglia first of all, he then placed under the regional in 2010, the candidate of the PDL Molfettese first and then, in the Council's declaration of independence City, has consistently voted in favor of the measures the administration Azzollini, contrary to role that the UDC had quell'assise Molfetta, or the opposition.
mangiari Councillor Francis, candidate for the administrative ranks of the UDC in 2008, making it the first non-elected the same party, it had first supported the provincial Anna Carmela Minute of 2009 and then the candidate of the PDL Molfetta, in the last regional elections of 2010, replacing the City Council of the UDC, the most well-supported with preference 1020, Pino Amato, he, too, consistently voted in favor of the measures the administration Azzollini betraying the role of 'consistency with the opposition Adviser Amato was taking place, and without in any way to meet and give an account of his political activities with the secretariat of the party town.
took into account the actions and political activities of these characters, comparing them to my coordination, and implemented the necessary channels for dialogue, however fruitless, with them, I just have no choice but to decree the expulsion of the same party that I am honored to represent my territory .


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