First, do not take them.
studies discipline Shinseikai When you see a lot of things that normally tend to be taken for granted, undervalued, and then: a good (very good) guard can increase your chances to stand the ability to hide your problems (noisy breathing indicates fatigue as much as reviled hands on hips), face your opponent (or your sparring partner) with the right strategy and tactics, and much more.
Having seen a bit of coaching, delivered by the Sensei, gave me the opportunity to steal with the eyes of some techniques of effective defense and their placement in priorities. Provides a full contact sport, in fact, touch, and is (I think) to receive technical inevitable that the opponent is happy to pouring out as much as you.
The example that has been imprinted in my mind concerned the defense from one of the basic techniques, a Gedan mawashi geri (roundhouse kick down). Allow me to bring the priorities (in reverse order, from lowest to highest), listed by Sensei:
Priority Two: Make a squat (bending verso il basso) della gamba in difesa per ammortizzare e diminuire - se possibile - l'impatto proveniente dal sune (tibia, verso il ginocchio) sull'area interessata. Ma ne esiste una migliore.
Priorità Uno: effettuare un sune uke , richiamando appropriatamente la gamba in difesa al corpo con una direzione di 45° rispetto alla tecnica di attacco, che allo stesso tempo ammortizza e devia il colpo rendendolo inefficace. Ma ne esiste una migliore.
Priorità Zero : effettuare un sabaki , scattando all'indietro con a push from the front leg ( mae ), aborting the enemy and it is ready for a possible attack and rapid technique.
It 'nice to discover - every time - that the study of martial art based on discipline of body and mind, based on the formation of a cohesive group and ready to assist members who have primarily based on need and right spirit tries to avoid - always - unnecessary contact. Perhaps it is true. The sabaki is movement, control, and preparation of the next move, something that can be useful in everyday life.
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