UdC The mayoral candidate for the administrative May has finally Modugno nome: si tratta di Filippo Bellomo, classe 1954, già consigliere comunale nella cittadina barese, un passato di chiare e limpide radici democristiane, come egli stesso ha orgogliosamente rivendicato nella conferenza stampa allestita venerdì presso la sede provinciale dell’UDC a Bari, coordinata da Filippo Barattolo. Presente anche il consigliere regionale Peppino Longo, altro grande sponsor politico del candidato, il quale aveva in effetti preannunciato che a concorrere alla poltrona di primo cittadino modugnese sarebbe stato un moderato espressione dell’Unione di Centro. “Sono onorato e felice…” ha esordito Bellomo, “…per la possibilità che mi si offre di poter mettere a punto quel progetto per Modugno years to realize that dream. I think, for example, the needs of all those, primarily the young, are seeking employment, together with many women and men still valid, but absurdly excluded from the labor market indifferent to over 50 ". Reporters who asked him if he feared the competition from other "navigated" contenders for the office of mayor, Bellomo reiterated that he have confidence in modugnese tired of rhetorical art's sake. "I am for a policy of fait and heart ..." he continued, "... and for this reason they are not already studying the rhetoric pouring out from the audience, but plans for our factories in crisis, solutions the environment to heal, tricks for the livability and safety of our neighborhoods, precise rules for a municipal building that is quite a landmark for the needs of my fellow citizens. "
Appointment then in mid-May for a consultation for many voters is the first in the province of Bari. Considering that there will be a baptism in Modugno Journal of the New Polo will be a political test very interesting (and mostly) in key national.
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