Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can I Burn Dvds With The Canon Dc320

Antonio Cornacchia and Joseph Clement at the helm of young UdC Altamura.

Following the appointment of Dr. Michael Cornacchia to the Regional Coordinator of the Young UDC, Provincial Coordinator 's Attorney Niki Bufo of understanding with the same Michael Cornacchia and the youth section has appointed Mr. Antonio Cornacchia the City Coordinator and Mr. Joseph Clement President Citizen .
These are the words with which the neo- coordinator Antonio Cornacchia welcomed the appointment: "I thank you for the trust received from all members of the youth section of Altamura and provincial leaders and regional efforts to assure maximum maintain the momentum. To do this, surely, I can count on the help and cooperation of the President, and especially his friend Joseph Clement UDC entire youth movement in Altamura. " The President Joseph Clement, enthusiastic

(from left: Joseph Clement and Antonio Cornacchia)
received the appointment, said: "First I want to thank all those who believe in me The Provincial Coordinator, Regional and all the young section of Altamura, and also are of the opinion that the appointment of Anthony Cornacchia, which binds me friendship and esteem, through the 'implementation of the many initiatives that the entire youth section is is proposed to realize, we can bring prestige to section of the Party and our Altamura. Moreover, the youth section of the UDC Altamura, coordinated by Michael Cornacchia to which we must acknowledge the valuable work has already been the star of many social and cultural initiatives. We hope to increase our presence among the citizens of Altamura. To give us an organization more effective by mutual consent, we decided to designate areas of responsibility, which in agreement with the political secretariat, which promote and assisting the City Council. "
industry leaders appointed by the Coordinator and the President are:
- Giambattista Screws (business)
- Antonella Making it (Social Services)
- Rosa Bitetti (Equal Opportunities)
- Salvatore Casiello (Sport, Culture and Leisure)
- Pietrantonio Jordan (Environment e Sviluppo del Territorio)
-         Angelantonio Nuzzolese (Sanità)
Ai giovanissimi dirigenti di partito arrivano gli auguri del  Dott. Michele Cornacchia : “Sono felicissimo per la scelta che abbiamo fatto con il Coordinatore Provinciale e con tutti i ragazzi della sezione. I due ragazzi nominati sono giovani che da diversi anni  frequentano assiduamente la sezione. Sono sicuro che sapranno far valere le proprie idee a tutti i livelli. Il  Segretario Sezionale l’Ing. Vito Casiello : “ Esprimo il mio più vivo apprezzamento the willingness of both Antonio Cornacchia that Joseph Clement to fill those roles that require commitment and dedication. To them and all the boys section of my warmest thanks for their past efforts in the certainty that they will understand and convey the countless instances of Altamurana community. "
Altamura, there



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