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Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
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Gravina, Collect Signatures to bring the City Council proposal Anci-Young.
UdC The youth movement, the Young Democrats, the Young Italy Nichi and factories in order to promote new forms of participation in democratic life, turns into a year- training for citizenship against the racket and wear and activate pathways of awareness in schools in order to develop a new civic consciousness among the youth, Sunday, March 13, 2011, from 9.30, will be together in the Piazza della Repubblica 'Initiative for a Signature Legality .
The collection of signatures will be an opportunity to present the Administration Hall:
- Motion - SUBJECT: initiatives against the mafia and development of legality and transparency on the part of local authorities - Commitment to the Commons in a civil proceedings for mafia involving the government.
- Proposed Resolution for City Council Public Registry of the elect.
Both developed and promoted by Anci - Young would have the possibility Gravina in Puglia to become part of the national circuit of Educating Cities.
Tal initiative comes in coordinating the Young UDC in Terra di Bari, a proposal advanced by the lawyer. Niki Bufo, provincial coordinator of youth UDC and ANCI Regional Vice President - Young.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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GGG MEETING OF VERONA ON March 23, 2011 20:30 0re
The Trustee Provincial FIDAL R homeo ; Dongilli convene all the judges of the GGG at the headquarters of the CP FIDAL Verona Verona Via Ascari 5. The meeting will discuss the meetings, calendar of summer events, news and more regulation .
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Antonio Cornacchia and Joseph Clement at the helm of young UdC Altamura.
Following the appointment of Dr. Michael Cornacchia to the Regional Coordinator of the Young UDC, Provincial Coordinator 's Attorney Niki Bufo of understanding with the same Michael Cornacchia and the youth section has appointed Mr. Antonio Cornacchia the City Coordinator and Mr. Joseph Clement President Citizen .
These are the words with which the neo- coordinator Antonio Cornacchia welcomed the appointment: "I thank you for the trust received from all members of the youth section of Altamura and provincial leaders and regional efforts to assure maximum maintain the momentum. To do this, surely, I can count on the help and cooperation of the President, and especially his friend Joseph Clement UDC entire youth movement in Altamura. " The President Joseph Clement, enthusiastic
(from left: Joseph Clement and Antonio Cornacchia)
received the appointment, said: "First I want to thank all those who believe in me The Provincial Coordinator, Regional and all the young section of Altamura, and also are of the opinion that the appointment of Anthony Cornacchia, which binds me friendship and esteem, through the 'implementation of the many initiatives that the entire youth section is is proposed to realize, we can bring prestige to section of the Party and our Altamura. Moreover, the youth section of the UDC Altamura, coordinated by Michael Cornacchia to which we must acknowledge the valuable work has already been the star of many social and cultural initiatives. We hope to increase our presence among the citizens of Altamura. To give us an organization more effective by mutual consent, we decided to designate areas of responsibility, which in agreement with the political secretariat, which promote and assisting the City Council. "
industry leaders appointed by the Coordinator and the President are:
- Giambattista Screws (business)
- Antonella Making it (Social Services)
- Rosa Bitetti (Equal Opportunities)
- Salvatore Casiello (Sport, Culture and Leisure)
- Pietrantonio Jordan (Environment e Sviluppo del Territorio)
- Angelantonio Nuzzolese (Sanità)
Ai giovanissimi dirigenti di partito arrivano gli auguri del Dott. Michele Cornacchia : “Sono felicissimo per la scelta che abbiamo fatto con il Coordinatore Provinciale e con tutti i ragazzi della sezione. I due ragazzi nominati sono giovani che da diversi anni frequentano assiduamente la sezione. Sono sicuro che sapranno far valere le proprie idee a tutti i livelli. Il Segretario Sezionale l’Ing. Vito Casiello : “ Esprimo il mio più vivo apprezzamento the willingness of both Antonio Cornacchia that Joseph Clement to fill those roles that require commitment and dedication. To them and all the boys section of my warmest thanks for their past efforts in the certainty that they will understand and convey the countless instances of Altamurana community. "
Altamura, there
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Sequenza numero tre.
First, do not take them.
studies discipline Shinseikai When you see a lot of things that normally tend to be taken for granted, undervalued, and then: a good (very good) guard can increase your chances to stand the ability to hide your problems (noisy breathing indicates fatigue as much as reviled hands on hips), face your opponent (or your sparring partner) with the right strategy and tactics, and much more.
Having seen a bit of coaching, delivered by the Sensei, gave me the opportunity to steal with the eyes of some techniques of effective defense and their placement in priorities. Provides a full contact sport, in fact, touch, and is (I think) to receive technical inevitable that the opponent is happy to pouring out as much as you.
The example that has been imprinted in my mind concerned the defense from one of the basic techniques, a Gedan mawashi geri (roundhouse kick down). Allow me to bring the priorities (in reverse order, from lowest to highest), listed by Sensei:
Priority Two: Make a squat (bending verso il basso) della gamba in difesa per ammortizzare e diminuire - se possibile - l'impatto proveniente dal sune (tibia, verso il ginocchio) sull'area interessata. Ma ne esiste una migliore.
Priorità Uno: effettuare un sune uke , richiamando appropriatamente la gamba in difesa al corpo con una direzione di 45° rispetto alla tecnica di attacco, che allo stesso tempo ammortizza e devia il colpo rendendolo inefficace. Ma ne esiste una migliore.
Priorità Zero : effettuare un sabaki , scattando all'indietro con a push from the front leg ( mae ), aborting the enemy and it is ready for a possible attack and rapid technique.
It 'nice to discover - every time - that the study of martial art based on discipline of body and mind, based on the formation of a cohesive group and ready to assist members who have primarily based on need and right spirit tries to avoid - always - unnecessary contact. Perhaps it is true. The sabaki is movement, control, and preparation of the next move, something that can be useful in everyday life.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
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Philip Bellomo, the candidate for mayor of Modugno. Terra di Bari Young
UdC The mayoral candidate for the administrative May has finally Modugno nome: si tratta di Filippo Bellomo, classe 1954, già consigliere comunale nella cittadina barese, un passato di chiare e limpide radici democristiane, come egli stesso ha orgogliosamente rivendicato nella conferenza stampa allestita venerdì presso la sede provinciale dell’UDC a Bari, coordinata da Filippo Barattolo. Presente anche il consigliere regionale Peppino Longo, altro grande sponsor politico del candidato, il quale aveva in effetti preannunciato che a concorrere alla poltrona di primo cittadino modugnese sarebbe stato un moderato espressione dell’Unione di Centro. “Sono onorato e felice…” ha esordito Bellomo, “…per la possibilità che mi si offre di poter mettere a punto quel progetto per Modugno years to realize that dream. I think, for example, the needs of all those, primarily the young, are seeking employment, together with many women and men still valid, but absurdly excluded from the labor market indifferent to over 50 ". Reporters who asked him if he feared the competition from other "navigated" contenders for the office of mayor, Bellomo reiterated that he have confidence in modugnese tired of rhetorical art's sake. "I am for a policy of fait and heart ..." he continued, "... and for this reason they are not already studying the rhetoric pouring out from the audience, but plans for our factories in crisis, solutions the environment to heal, tricks for the livability and safety of our neighborhoods, precise rules for a municipal building that is quite a landmark for the needs of my fellow citizens. "
Appointment then in mid-May for a consultation for many voters is the first in the province of Bari. Considering that there will be a baptism in Modugno Journal of the New Polo will be a political test very interesting (and mostly) in key national.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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Bardolino February 27
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Sequenza numero due.
overcome an obstacle, there is now another.
When you think of being in harmony with the environment in which you are required to take an active part - leading by a mere spectator or follower - there is always something that brings you back to a less than ideal conditions. Some examples:
You sing with your group until the night before you were in shape and now find that you have a sore throat.
You must take an important exercise, and you wake up with my back locked or not working properly. You must talk
to an audience of a specific theme, prepared for days, and the topic has changed and more difficult.
The lucky man, then, is not only who can remember their dreams , but those who can - among other things - to manage change. To quote someone: constant change is here to stay . A note for me: Do not waste time complaining. If you really want to change things, you have to be the first to accept the changes.
Change is life.
overcome an obstacle, there is now another.
When you think of being in harmony with the environment in which you are required to take an active part - leading by a mere spectator or follower - there is always something that brings you back to a less than ideal conditions. Some examples:
You sing with your group until the night before you were in shape and now find that you have a sore throat.
You must take an important exercise, and you wake up with my back locked or not working properly. You must talk
to an audience of a specific theme, prepared for days, and the topic has changed and more difficult.
The lucky man, then, is not only who can remember their dreams , but those who can - among other things - to manage change. To quote someone: constant change is here to stay . A note for me: Do not waste time complaining. If you really want to change things, you have to be the first to accept the changes.
Change is life.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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Note to readers
For several months (approximately December 2010) are kept in a library book probably forgotten a few of our readers.
They are: Small lectures on the great philosophers, of Leszek Kolakowski, translation of Viviana Nosilia. - Angelo Colla Editore, 2010. - 202P.
book is currently detained at the Directorate. The owner may contact this office to ask for a refund.
For several months (approximately December 2010) are kept in a library book probably forgotten a few of our readers.
They are: Small lectures on the great philosophers, of Leszek Kolakowski, translation of Viviana Nosilia. - Angelo Colla Editore, 2010. - 202P.
book is currently detained at the Directorate. The owner may contact this office to ask for a refund.
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PLANNING MEETING for the Society of Athletics Veronesi FRIDAY 'March 11, 2011 21:00
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UDC squares to invite to expose the tricolor
"Only if united, we will be strong." Recalling the words Alcide De Gasperi, the young Union of the Centre of the province of Bari are mobilizing to celebrate 150 years of national unity, urging the citizens of the area to display the Italian flag on their balcony. "It would be a visually exciting and significant - explains Niki Bufo , provincial coordinator of the UDC and young city councilor in Mola di Bari, where the initiative will start next Sunday, from 11am in Piazza XX Settembre. It is fitting that the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy should be celebrated as you would expect, from south to north, but unfortunately I am sorry that there are politicians who see this event the judge rather than as a nuisance or a madness for the establishment of a national holiday on 17 March. "
Young Casini's party will take to the streets of several towns in the province of Bari, and then expand throughout the region, distributing leaflets with an invitation to put the flag outside the house, convinced of the importance of these celebrations "especially at a time - continues Bufo - domestic and international crises like the present. If we think, in fact, that some of the main rights that are struggling, most recently, the citizens of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia, namely democracy and popular sovereignty, we have them already, we can not but feel proud to be Italian. And this, of course, we owe it especially to those who have previously struggled to affirm those values \u200b\u200band that, today, should be remembered and honored. "
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Judges Meeting - Provincial Committee Wednesday, March 9, at 21.00.
Judges Meeting - Provincial Committee, was set for Wednesday, March 9, at 21.00 at the headquarters of CP VR FIDAL in Verona Via A. Ascari 5
The President The CP FIDAL VERONA
Enzo Novello Cordioli
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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Sequenza numero uno.
Lucky the man who always manages to remember their dreams.
grow up to become a writer, poet, versifier careless, starlings or writer of the dialogues of Big Brother No 109, underpaid, and - of course - in black.
For all other mortals, remember a dream is an event that affects you wake up in the morning, and then fades during the course of the day.
still remember the dream of tonight.
We are in the Dojo.
End workout.
circle of the group of humpback whales (people of a certain size / height / weight / age, made me, Ivan, Dario, Luca, Lorenzo) around the Sensei. It discusses Karate (but looks a bit '), forthcoming Kyu, the ailments of agonists, and other things.
"When you take the exam?" someone asks, I think Dario.
"April and perhaps beyond." answered the Sensei.
"And the program?" I ask.
"You should already have it." Dan assures me the third
Nobody dares to do the next question.
Sensei hides a smirk.
Luca takes courage. "And when we're ready?"
Sensei performs a micro to art, and replies: "This is you know."
Then he pauses a bit 'longer, a sabaki eyes, looks at me and says, "You, are you ready?"
And the dream I will end up on your most beautiful.
I tried to close my eyes again, but the body reminds me that are not in Inception and that the dream has flown away.
Strange. We try to delegate to the dreams that we already know in the daytime.
Are you ready? Are you in love? You have courage?
Only you can know.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
How Dangerous Is Anbesol
Amato expels from the party and local councilors Minute mangiari
In a letter sent to the coordinator Can provincial Philip, the coordinator of Molfetta, Robert Amato announced his decision:
"The undersigned Robert Amato, Commissioner UDC Molfetta city, community, provincial secretary, in the person of the Provincial Coordinator, Dr. Philip Glass jar , deciding to 'expulsion from the party with immediate effect, members of Ms Anna Carmela Minute and Mr. Francis mangiari, both current councilors of the town of Molfetta, nell'UDC elected in the last administration in 2008, for the following reasons:
The Minute elected Councillor Anna Carmela, in the last row of the UDC Administrative, 2008, City Council, it had first participated in the provincial elections of 2009, candidates with the party Puglia first of all, he then placed under the regional in 2010, the candidate of the PDL Molfettese first and then, in the Council's declaration of independence City, has consistently voted in favor of the measures the administration Azzollini, contrary to role that the UDC had quell'assise Molfetta, or the opposition.
mangiari Councillor Francis, candidate for the administrative ranks of the UDC in 2008, making it the first non-elected the same party, it had first supported the provincial Anna Carmela Minute of 2009 and then the candidate of the PDL Molfetta, in the last regional elections of 2010, replacing the City Council of the UDC, the most well-supported with preference 1020, Pino Amato, he, too, consistently voted in favor of the measures the administration Azzollini betraying the role of 'consistency with the opposition Adviser Amato was taking place, and without in any way to meet and give an account of his political activities with the secretariat of the party town.
took into account the actions and political activities of these characters, comparing them to my coordination, and implemented the necessary channels for dialogue, however fruitless, with them, I just have no choice but to decree the expulsion of the same party that I am honored to represent my territory .
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