Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bowling Shirt Charlie


Dear friends, dear friends,
thanks for accepting our invitation. I think I must not dwell on the importance of this first meeting of 2011 because I believe you are all well aware that this year the legislature will be central and decisive for our future.
In our room there are senators and representatives, coordinators and regional and provincial presidents and administrators of the provincial capitals in which it will vote in a few months in the spring.
Let me tell you now that each of you, everyone, is expected to be very hard work and delicate in the next few days that will require patience, determination and nerves. We are preparing to cross a key stage in the country and for the life of our party and we can not afford to make mistakes, nationally and in the suburbs.
We know what sacrifices we had to endure to get here in the last two and a half years. In defiance of everything and everyone, giving up positions of power, choosing to run alone against the battleships of the two sides.
call out of a bipolar system which dominated la scena politica italiana degli ultimi 16 anni e che finora aveva sempre schiacciato chiunque provasse a mettersi contro.
Se noi non siamo stati schiacciati e siamo qui oggi, è perché abbiamo capito per primi che questo bipolarismo ha ormai il fiato corto e che il Paese è pronto per la fine di questa stagione e attende solo che gli venga offerta un’alternativa. Un’alternativa seria e credibile.
Bene, questa alternativa siamo noi, dobbiamo essere noi. E la conferma ci arriva dai fatti. Due anni e mezzo fa eravamo completamente soli a testimoniare queste cose. Oggi si sono avvicinati a noi altri, provenienti dall’uno e dall’altro schieramento.
Today damage our own critical interpretation of this bipolarity Fini, who had founded the PDL with Berlusconi, Rutelli and Fassino, which he founded with the Democratic Party, think like us, the Movement for Autonomy of Lombardy and the Liberal Democrats. But above all, think like us, or expect from us a few more step further in this direction to follow, millions of Italians.
So, dear friends, if there is one thing that we can not afford in such a framework favorable to us and together as complex and difficult for the country, is to appear in the eyes of our fellow citizens as uncertain or undecided.
We have one road in front of the way we have designed, drawn and opened us the way of construction of the New Polo.
The alternatives do not exist, uncertainties or backwards or sideways, to right and the left, not only would be included, but it certainly would be used as a boomerang against us.
We are and must remain equidistant from the PD and the PDL.
It seems to me that no one in doubt here that we are not going to build yet another army of Frankie with the Democratic Party if the Democratic Party continues to pursue Vendola and Di Pietro.
The Prodi government crashed initials add up party that had nothing in common between them: after just two and a half years has received a condemnation without appeal by the voters.
We were in opposition to that government and that method to build coalitions and then we were right.
We are not sure we, therefore, to repeat tomorrow what yesterday ourselves and the Italians have firmly rejected. The country calls on the political and concrete solutions to problems, and is no longer willing to give credit only to put together coalitions to gain seats, but unable to govern because they divided among themselves on everything: if the Democratic Party wants to be with those who insult Bonanni Marchionne and face as well. But he can not even think of being with people, like us, believes the victory of "yes" to the referendum indispensable to avert the risk more dramatic: a Fiat outside Italy and employees sent home.
But I wish no one felt even more attracted, especially in some suburbs, the idea of \u200b\u200bus taking on the role of Berlusconi's crutches.
The President of the Council opens the UDC is the same approach that simultaneously members of all groups, including ours, hoping to take away someone with the sole aim of shooting live.
There woos. But in words, because when we have the willingness to discutere alla luce del sole sui problemi del Paese e sulle riforme da introdurre, manda a dire che non si fida di noi.
Avrebbe senso dunque fargli da stampella? E per ottenere cosa? Qualche poltrona in cambio del disgusto degli italiani che giustamente ci tratterebbero come quei tre “responsabili”, si fa per dire, che da un giorno all’altro hanno il fatto il salto della quaglia senza spiegazioni plausibili?
E poi a chi servirebbe tutto questo? A Berlusconi senz’altro, ma di sicuro non a noi e nemmeno al Paese. Berlusconi non è riuscito a governare, ad affrontare i temi della crisi, delle riforme quando aveva 70 parlamentari di maggioranza, perché dovrebbe farcela with three or ten or twenty?
So here I am convinced that neither are they required so many words: we have the New Complex, work on the project of a new center for the nation. And if we did would be crazy.
We are working on a national level, with a series of meetings with other political forces that give us life alternative for the country. We have already set up thematic meetings on economic and social reforms, local authorities, in view of the next administration. Others will follow, and then go to the first public event: the Parliamentary Assembly of the New Complex, which we have already put on the calendar for 28 and January 29 next to Todi.
But above all we want to work with our leaders at the regional, provincial and municipal levels from reality as you are going to vote in a few months. And this is why we considered it indispensable that your presence here today. The Pole of the Nation, to be credible and to quickly gain visibility and attention, and should be seen as a clear choice and convinced at all levels. And the administration is the first real test for the new project. You will need and we will be able to represent the element of novelty and change from the usual two sides, with respect to the center-right populism cannibalizzato dalla Lega e alla confusione e all’arretratezza delle proposte di un centrosinistra ostaggio di Vendola e Di Pietro. Dovrete e dovremo dunque metterci al lavoro da subito per individuare candidati autorevoli e forti che si mettano al centro della competizione e rompano il solito schema. Dovrete e dovremo essere capaci di mettere in campo persone e programmi capaci di vincere o di andare al ballottaggio e risultare decisivi per cambiare il modo di amministrare le nostre città e le nostre province.
E’ inutile che vi dica a questo punto che se erano senza senso i litigi, le gelosie e le divisioni interne quando eravamo soli a testimoniare la presenza del centro a livello locale, ancora più incomprensibili ed inaccettabili are the closures and small internal squabbles. We must be united everywhere.
And together we must engage in dialogue with allies and with the Christian Democrats and the civil lists of the PDL and disappointed that the Democratic Party will be knocking on our door.
As incomprehensible and unacceptable to the slippages are right and the left and, worse, inaction. We are a novelty, we collect and feel great attention to us: all we can do except stand still and do nothing. This is why the coming weeks and months ahead will be marked by efforts at all levels: municipal, provincial, regional, thematic meetings, press conferences, events and meetings of the party and the new Polo.
themes and arguments certainly are not lacking. Are those of modernization, reforms, attention to the family and small and medium-Christian values, the protection of life and the centrality of man, youth. These are the themes on which we have engaged tirelessly in recent years and are the themes that once again raised Pier Ferdinando clear earlier this week with his interview with Corriere della Sera.
We will be able to give clear messages.
First in a country frightened and depressed by the crisis, 30% of young people without work, families that I went back 11 years into their savings to cope with an economy that is no longer growing, left to themselves.
For a middle class that day after day slipped into poverty, we should offer a message of seriousness and responsibility.
And while the others are working to divide the country, we are offered the unique opportunity to be the only ones able to join us.
The new Polo will be successful if it can bring peace to Italy, and Italy will be released only if the crisis is calmed by putting behind these unnecessary and damaging more than sixteen years of infighting worthy of the Coliseum in 2000 years ago that the politics of a world industrial power of the third millennium.
We know how to put the citizen at the center of the political agenda instead of disputes between parties. We will be the engine of change and modernization because they do finally pushing reforms.
We will return an image high and noble policy, returning to the role of service to the city after years in which it was and is mainly in the service of itself.
With this sensitivity, this sense of responsibility, we have moved so far and we will move in the next few months in Parliament by voting all the measures that we believe useful to the country, whoever they come from, and opposes all measures that do not share.
With this spirit in the weeks to address the issue of federalism, as always, available to the comparison, but not without adequate collateral. What we like is supportive of federalism that President Napolitano spoke in recent days. A federalism that does not question the unity of the country, which celebrates the national values \u200b\u200bdrawing strength from the many peculiarities of our territory, who is not biased towards one side of Italy to bury another. A federalism that going to change our tax system, does not prove the usual smart to give even more a chi ha già molto ma che al contrario si concretizzi in un’occasione per ridare un po’ di ossigeno alle famiglie attraverso un’equa applicazione dell’imposizione locale.
Su questo come su tutti gli altri provvedimenti che andremo a discutere in Parlamento saremo pronti a dire la nostra e a presentare le nostre proposte. Convinti che il Paese abbia bisogno di riforme, di un clima rispettoso delle istituzioni, del ruolo del Capo dello Stato, del Parlamento, della magistratura, della Corte Costituzionale, che non possono e non devono mai essere tirate per la giacca, di equilibrio tra i poteri, assai più che di un’inutile campagna elettorale con toni apocalittici. Ma pronti anche ad affrontare the vote if Berlusconi will take us far. But if it should be, if the country will run the risk of getting bogged down like Greece or Ireland, he must at least be clear that were the inability of the Berlusconi government and its majority of three votes to lead us to that point.
So for the first time in sixteen years, the two poles will have to seriously worry about. Why the desire to change will be very strong in the country. And we are firmly convinced, we are ready to represent it.


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