esteemed President,
My name is Saverio Claudio Digioia, head of the youth movement and national UDC MOLFETTA in love with my city.
This letter, She directed, wants to be thought of young, I have represented, containing reflections on the address taken by the City Council, chaired by you, because of multiple failures in the same suffering.
It was such a fact: the City Council is not established by December 10, 2010 and given the subsequent sessions that have seen lacking a quorum is now almost two months that the advisers do not discuss in institutional places, the "issues plaguing our city"
I wonder how much importance the counselors majority of damage to the City Council? How important to consider your city? What is the ethic that drives people who have been voted by the people not to perform the function for which is due to perform the exercise?
will not go into the merits of the points on the agenda let alone in the scandalous events that involve key members of the administration and already Azzollini our Secretary Robert Amato, on behalf of all the UDC party, has taken steps to dismissing him and to report to the Council (which is also made from all opposition), but I can only wonder why the answers (if given) to the City are published newspapers and discussed in the natural places of public representation (City Council).
Molfetta is a city of about 60,000 inhabitants in need of an administration that knows how to deal with personal matters not (see a single asphalt road for an entire sector), but that will constantly discuss important topics that cover all the issues of the people, by the one linked to social that of trade, tourism management etc. to normal.
Molfetta is a city of about 60,000 inhabitants in need of an administration that knows how to deal with personal matters not (see a single asphalt road for an entire sector), but that will constantly discuss important topics that cover all the issues of the people, by the one linked to social that of trade, tourism management etc. to normal.
So, as a citizen and coordinator of a youth group can not be silent about this lack of representation!
I pleasure in participating as an auditor at meetings of the City Council are deeply sorry but I do not see why there citizens of the meetings of the Council where, now, it lacks dialectic and political debate, where there seems to be a perfect director: interventions made by the facade usually members of the majority of the battleship and heartfelt speeches injurious opposition, some up to the first hand and all in a row following!
Thanks to the ban on television to film and broadcast City Council sessions, all who had the opportunity to follow the "exciting meetings" today I am unable and remain unaware of what the administration proposes and what the advisers decide!
And then I wonder why people are moving away from the policy? Why should people vote for who deserts the sessions by municipal miss a quorum? Why not participate as listeners in the meetings convened by you of which you yourself have not record television stations that offered a free service to the municipal coffers, all citizenship?
I'm young because of my age 26 years, and represent young people of various ages, from 16 years to 30 years, and I wonder if the consciousness of a father ports to act with indifference and blindness to their children: a Mayor ABSENT, as even Senator and rightly committed in Rome
discuss issues related to the social life of the Prime Minister, as well as commitments to important institutional proxy advisors are unable to decide without if not for acts of ordinary administration of the elected City Council cleared, with councilors, while rated legitimately belong to the council why others have rejected the role for best seats or for more compensation, even where the desert sessions because there are some who first raised his hand (probably would not be able to vote with their conscience or to assess administrative acts?).
So, knowing that adults have such a high contempt of the tasks and roles as you can teach us young people, who represent the future, the proper administration of this city?
What happened to common sense? What happened to the good opinion of the father who once characterized the political?
I pass this discontent because I think my thinking is a common thought among young people (and beyond): Too many topics to be discussed, too many missed opportunities to confront in the only known home and you are President, by arguments that are more relevant to the present youth such as sports, culture, tourism and many others not minore importanza quali il lavoro, la socialità, la sicurezza, ecc. per non dimenticare la correttezza degli atti e il rispetto delle scadenze. Mi dispiace constatare che tutto ciò non avviene vista la compiacenza dei Consiglieri Comunali indisposti a partecipare alle sedute da Lei doverosamente convocate, così come devo con rammarico rimproverare all’opposizione, di cui il mio partito fa parte, un certo lassismo nel non prendere iniziative nei confronti di un andazzo ormai consolidato, essendo che, con 9 consiglieri comunali a disposizione della stessa minoranza potrebbero essere prese, dagli stessi, iniziative per le convocazioni della massima assise cittadina.
Certo è, Presidente, che con questa mia missiva non credo cambierà nulla: la mia certezza può solo essere smentita dal fatto che il Sindaco diventi un Amministratore Presente a Molfetta, che il Consiglio Comunale torni ad essere la sede del confronto e della discussione così che sia la dialettica a raccontare visioni e decisioni politiche per lo sviluppo continuo e costante della Nostra Amata Città, e che i cittadini possano tornare a vivere l’amministrazione in prima persona, partecipando in qualità di uditori alle sedute di consiglio o, per i meno fortunati, a vedere le sedute in televisione così come accade per una semplice e sicuramente meno importante partita di calcio.
La mia richiesta è che Lei, in qualità di Presidente dell’Assise cittadina, si faccia carico di questa mia denuncia fatta in qualità di cittadino e di rappresentante del movimento giovanile UDC e si batta per fare in modo di riportare ordine in una città nella quale vige sempre più l’anarchia (vedi caso assessore Giacomo Spadavecchia) e di cui il Consiglio Comunale, stando allo stato delle cose pare non ne discuterà semplicemente per un motivo: non viene convocato.
Pertanto chiedo che vengano concesse le riprese in consiglio comunale e che nell’immediato venga convocata l’assemblea indipendentemente dagli impegni istituzionali che allontanano costantemente il sempre più Senatore che Sindaco della Nostra Città.
I would be honored, also, if you give reading my letter in the conference of leaders or why not in the next city council.
conclude with a quote that I hope will lead to reflection \u0026lt;\u0026lt; The error may be fine as long as we are young, we must not only trascinarselo behind aging>>. Johann Wolfgang Goethe , Maxims and Reflections, 1833 (posthumously)
does not disappoint.
Yours sincerely
The Coordinator young UDC Molfetta
Saverio Claudio Digioia
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