E 'on a Saturday morning in mid-November, sometimes cold, sometimes hot. It's called autumn, and between seasons still exist, even if briefly. The Dojo is down (you are cleaning thoroughly, it happens every Holy Year), last night we practiced extra, and tonight we will train again. What better opportunity to hike, catch up on some 'forces, restaurants and discover hidden places of character?
We decide to leave to chance. They range between Tuscany and Umbria, Lazio, not too far nor too near. The weather is variable, as if no one decides to rain but not to pull out from a sun melts and sudaccia sudden. Perfect for our purpose and our mood. There
count: it's me, Lorenzo, Massimiliano and Sensei. Luke is on duty at home and declined the invitation. I do a quick check of the resources of the Day:
- iPhone charged 80% to 80% full tank
- wallet with 80 Euros
- For Law 80 / 20, 20% want to drive.
and then the stars are aligned, unbridled wealth on almost all fronts.
decide which car to go. That of the Sensei is too red, not good. That of Maximilian is too small, not good. Lorenzo is one of Mercedes too, not good, and then Lorenzo has cervical still reeling from the shock Sensei last night. All that remains is the GabbaCar.
into a corner, turned the difficulty in opportunity and I intend as a driver and chaperone , provided you decide to fly on the soundtrack travel. Others carelessly accepted the proposal, but do not know what to expect based on a motorway Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, Fear Factory, Motorhead, Fates Warning, Iron Maiden and others that would dwarf the bad son of Schwarzenegger's Predator.
is part, and the music starts.
Lorenzo began to tell anecdotes of life from the funniest most touching, and every time, when his attention turns to the Maremma, you realize you get to the Zenith the meaning of the universe. And that meaning is pulled down, sarcastically, as you pull down a suit of the closet, to show us that life also has to be around.
Massimiliano talks about his work and his passion, combining what is in this period, the desire to explore foreign countries and to compete with new experiences, professional and human.
Sensei talks about the upcoming trip to Japan, the evidence will support, psycho-physical preparation, what you would like to see and discover new in Japan.
I drive and listen. I like to listen. Every now and conversations meet, they turn to another, returning slowly at first, move, exchange, intersect, divide and then reunite. We laugh, we smile, we talk.
"Gabba, why are you silent?" - Said Sensei.
Sensei takes the iPhone from his pocket and writes on his black list: Play Gabba.
The other two laugh between Tuscan and Roman.
At about half past eleven we stopped at a motorway for a hydraulic parts. Take a coffee. I'm going to pay in cash after a brief and futile struggle with the group (perderei comunque), faccio lo scontrino, e cerco di avvicinarmi al bancone per un 3+1: tre normali e un decaffeinato. Il bancone in realtà è una fitta selva di primati già riprodotti (con prole) che sbranano brioches e svalangano cappuccini e caffè macchiati caldi su tazze fredde e viceversa. Non passerebbe neanche uno spillo. Inizio a muovere lo scontrino in aria con mosse di flamenco, cercando di attirare l'attenzione. Nulla di nulla. Si avvicina Lorenzo.
"Beh... 'sti caffè?" - mi dice.
Io guardo la foresta di panze appoggiate al bancone e alzo le spalle.
E qui spunta il genio. Le definizioni di genio sono molteplici, and miscellaneous. The definition that I enjoy most is on the biped who knows how to take this opportunity and intuition at the same time. Lorenzo looks at the counter first, identify the bartender, and then look at Maxine who is leafing through a magazine.
"Massi, come here a bit, come."
Massimiliano approaches, Lorenzo whispers something in his ear, Massimiliano approaches the counter with a smile mat, from the third row says something to the bartender who in turn smiles, nods, more than three coffees a catapult on a deca Rococo tray with biscuits on the side, and hands it to the bearer of a smile. Net 17 seconds, compared to 3 minutes and my flamenco half. A coffee Pietro Mennea. I avoid looking in the mirror when we go out dall'autogrill and go back to the car.
On the highway you can relax watching the scenery and puffy clouds, solid but not threatening, and you continue to talk, to dream of Japan, to give an account of champions, barrel of gaffes , of \u200b\u200blove lost and found, of international currency speculation (especially yen), and time - as rarely happens - there is no back and front. We are almost there, missing ten minutes at a libation, and the sun decided to show magnanimity, giving us the colors of the season.
out of the car, slowly we are approaching a selected location to the eating of the feast. We see the closed gate of the restaurant, and over a sign that reads "CLOSED". An old man with the cap, sitting on a chair in solid wood Cambrian watch our mouths wide open and says, "This is closed."
begin to suspect that we will eat in a selected location.
ask the old man the nearest restaurant, and with an irresistible accent it redirects to twelve miles, genuine food relief without portfolio. We leave (and freezing) with a premonition: "See, is always full of people. "The sun, at that time, shows us its solidarity and hides behind a gray cloud.
misses out on the machine, confident, fearful, a bit 'hungry.
arriving at indicatoci anus. A thin on the ground floor entrance and a sign above: "From Ornella." Let's go in, the place is full, are both past and not a little, and you may not eat. A portly lady wearing a tiramisu at a table, we note and is about to close. One thought we share in telepathy: we all look e tre Massimiliano, senza dire nulla. Lui ci guarda, e la sua faccia implora "Stavolta no...". Noi lo guardiamo, con l'espressione "Ti tocca". A mali estremi, estremi rimedi. Massimiliano, per spirito cameratesco, si adegua, e tira fuori un sorriso anabbagliante, seguito da un "C'è mica un tavolo per quattro, signora?". La signora guarda Massimiliano, sorride e risponde "Ve lo trovo io", e poi guarda noi, in sequenza. Il minuto successivo siamo al tavolo. Alle deità ed al Massimiliano volendo, si mangia. Dalla finestra il sole diventa di nuovo contento e si fa vedere.
Primo second boundary and coffee, and given the presence of Sensei skip the dessert, tonight you are training. Walking through the village of cobbled alleys and damp corners where time has not only stopped, but decided not to attack the past.
hour later, the sun has run a bit 'tired and begins to grow as a yawn. We need to return the bags are in the car and tonight Dojo you are training. You go.
The return trip is more silent, the concentration needed for the training starts to rise slowly and usually the return trip always seems shorter.
Near Orte a Carabinieri patrol stops us for inspection. None of the three of us dare ask Massimiliano a smile from the police, could not leave an expected result.
Hurry up the formality of the document check, continue to Rome, which is where we come and go dark the little bar next to the Dojo for another coffee. This time the coffee is not 3 +1, four are dry, the caffeine I need to pull two classes, agonists and post-agonists.
He remembers the days spent together, and gradually all the Senpai and Students begin to make the dojo alive.
At the end of training, I go to Lawrence and Maxine with the phrase "And this has been ...". They smile. He approached the Sensei, we wonder why we laugh. Looking back on patrols of the Carabinieri and the failure to smile, we respond. Sensei smiles too. We need to capture the moment, I think. Name is Luca and Dario for us to do a picture together, four hands are better than two. And, leaving the Dojo, our smile does not go off, not on command, but comes from within.
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Pictured from left to right: Lorenzo Massimiliano Varrese , Sensei and me. A hug to Lorenzo and Massimiliano for spending some time together, even if virtual, and a Master for his patience in reading simple invention of a student complex. |
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