Thursday, January 31, 2008

Dervish Loaded Longboards Wiki

The roots are the roots of the Right of Italy, the national organization in Trieste Confernza

On 10 February in Trieste will host the first conference of The Right organization, an important event in the elections administrative action taking place in many regions of Italy legalinstruments and possible early elections. E 'was chosen a date and a city symbol because it is precisely here that the roots of the Right italiana.L' fora will be held at the Palazzo dei Congressi of the Stazione Marittima, Molo Bersaglieri, 3
At 08:00 private ceremony with the laying of a wreath at the Cave of Bassovizza by Storace and Sen. the Hon. Buontempo
09:30 am Accreditation participants
10:00 am Greeting local authorities
Hours 10:15 Start planned interventions
Sen Francesco Storace
On Teodoro Buontempo
Sen Stefano Morselli
On Daniela Santanche
On Nello Musumeci
On Alberto Arrighi
Sen Stephen Losurdo
Roberto Salerno
On Antonio Pezzella

At 14:30 Dr. Mondini already Baptist Town Clerk: electoral procedures
15:30 Debate
18:30 pm Closing remarks


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