Storace and threats to the leaders of the center-right: can that barks does not bite but be careful ... The long experience of politics and journalism would induce me to think and say "can he barks does not bite," but if that's folk wisdom is almost always true, it is true that must always be with her ears pricked. Be careful because in Italy there is always someone trying to barbaric policy. And the bullets delivered to the drafting of the Po Valley and the national secretary of the right hand are a clear signal that you want to poison the political climate and election now that you breathe in Bel Paese.Attenzione and supervision, so. Not out of hand, however, disturbing signs. Many say that the current climate is not certainly one of the '70s and '80s, the terrible years of lead, which brought so much sorrow in our country. Sure, there's the weather. At least in appearance. It can not be undeniable that Italian society is reduced to shambles. Those who were once pockets of exclusion today have become veritable river in which crime and pseudo terrorists can gather a full mani.La unemployment, mortgage crisis, the collapse of the value of salaries, the garbage crisis and the immigration are just some of the levers on which disabled "bad teachers" still in circles, perhaps masked by a pseudo-Islamic fundamentalism (which is now so fashionable), and fully riciclatisi can act. The journeyman of the revolution in Italy and abound when it comes to trade in the dark they do, maybe with some coupling of convenience who have never lost in these last thirty years. So beware. Attention to the bullets that come in sealed envelopes, attention to fire locations, attention to aggression or "proletarian expropriation", or Islamic fundamentalism, wire event where Osama bin Laden praising and shouting 10, 100, 1000 Nasiriyah (for nothing knowing the least the Islamic world and Islamic terrorism are two different things), because under the ashes the embers still burns. Despite their different motivations and actions from the years of people Piombo.La stanca e la fortuna è che l’italiano è fondamentalmente pigro e non avvezzo alla guerriglia. Esisto però un sottobosco che ama parlare di rivoluzione o rivolta. Certo, sono leit motive che ciclicamente ritornano. E’ un poco come le occupazioni delle Università o le manifestazioni contro la Chiesa e il Papa o contro il “Berlusconi di turno”. Cose che piacciono, che restano nel bagaglio personale. Qualcosa da poter poi raccontare a figli e nipoti. Roba da radical chic, da rivoluzionari da salotto. Eppure tra questi pseudo Che Guevara dei poveri c’è sempre qualcuno che ci cade veramente nella rete terroristica. Qualcuno che pensa di essere il vendicatore del proletariato. Una sorta di “unto del Signore” la cui missione è quella di “ripulire” l’Italia (e il mondo perché ovviamente ogni causa terzomondista è la sua) dagli imperialisti e dagli sfruttatori del proletariato e del sotto proletariato dimenticando, anzi non accorgendosi che lui con i sottoproletari non ha nulla a che vedere. Né per estrazione sociale né per convinzione politica.Una parodia rivoluzionaria che scade quasi sempre nell’ipocrisia di un mondo utopistico in cui vivere in poche decine di persone. Un mondo fuori dal mondo che però può sconfinare nel mondo reale provocando danni senza eguali.Per questo dico “attenzione”, cogliere i segnali che giungono dalla società, capire la società, viverla nel profondo senza arroccarsi in ivory towers peering at the horizon with binoculars. The only way you can avoid serious trouble for everyone. The experience of the Years of Lead us to serve as a warning. Dozens of young people murdered or died for the ideals have to think about. Sent to slaughter for a generation the political blindness of many seasoned with "spintarelle" of others in a senseless civil war, must make it clear to all that Italy could not withstand another bath sangue.E 'true, that can barks does not bite, but do be careful not to push him to do so. Just a little. Just be careful. Stefano Schiavi