MACERATA - Mauro Nocelli è stato confermato portavoce provinciale de La Destra al termine del primo congresso maceratese del partito tenutosi ieri mattina all’Hotel Grassetti di Corridonia, alla presenza del portavoce regionale Walter Stafoggia. L’assemblea è stata presieduta dal portavoce della provincia di Ascoli Piceno, Stefano Cannelli. Nocelli era stato investito della carica nel settembre dello scorso anno dal portavoce nazionale Francesco Storace e nel congresso provinciale di ieri, propedeutico al congresso nazionale di novembre, è stato confermato all’unanimità dagli iscritti. Nocelli ha sottolineato la costante crescita del partito, reduce da un lusinghiero quattro per cento alle Politiche, guardando alle scadenze elettorali 2009: provincial and municipal. No foreclosure of any alliance with the People of Freedom to defeat the left, but strict conditions: the symbol and the men and women of the right hand, equal dignity with the other forces of the center. It is not the Congress moved the memory of the former spokesman Tolentino Marco Mancini.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
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Right at the top of the First Provincial Congress of the Federation of Macerata.
Macerata Macerata October 1, 2008 Dear Registered

Macerata Macerata October 1, 2008 Dear Registered
/ or, as is well known
in November will be held the First National Congress of our Party.
In preparation for this important event I can tell you that on 18 October at 9.30 at the 'Hotel bold Corryong, will be held the First Provincial Congress of the Federation of Macerata.
The Provincial Congress, during which the Speaker will be appointed and Provincial Delegates to the National Congress, will also be an opportunity to meet again and spend some time together.
waiting to see you soon, I send my best regards. Mauro
At the end of the work, set for 13 hours, there will be a social lunch.
To allow a good organization I ask you to confirm the presence of no later than October 14 or through the Speaker Hall or at the following addresses:
- 339-5825897
in November will be held the First National Congress of our Party.
In preparation for this important event I can tell you that on 18 October at 9.30 at the 'Hotel bold Corryong, will be held the First Provincial Congress of the Federation of Macerata.
The Provincial Congress, during which the Speaker will be appointed and Provincial Delegates to the National Congress, will also be an opportunity to meet again and spend some time together.
waiting to see you soon, I send my best regards. Mauro
At the end of the work, set for 13 hours, there will be a social lunch.
To allow a good organization I ask you to confirm the presence of no later than October 14 or through the Speaker Hall or at the following addresses:
- 339-5825897
Sunday, August 31, 2008
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the motion of Francesco Storace
mozione.Dopo is the work of consultation with many members of the committee politiconazionale, deposit today to the secretary general of the congress, ildocumento political - that the public attached and the post will remain 'until adomenica to give everyone the chance to' read it carefully ecommentarlo - I propose for the assizes La Destra.Lo we have signed in 25. How 'known, 12 have signed the basic document Daniela Santanche'. Missing signatures of those who institutionally restasopra sides - and agree - that the party chairman, TeodoroBuontempo, the chairman of the ethics committee, Antonio Rastrelli, the members garantedegli Livio Proietti.Due members of the Political Committee, Centorame, Riccio, will make their choice to congresso.Il document bearing the signatures of the vast majority of the committee siintitola "To live not to die for ideals of power" and is 'As we stated in continuita'con to the Constituent Assembly in Rome. The struggle to assert leproprie ideas in society 'and' much more 'important alribasso a compromise in the name of power at all costi.Lo evidenced by the following routes, the choice of Trieste and the Right does not mean campagnaelettorale.Essere remain ghettoized unlontano or anchored to the past, which must be respected without foolish embarrassment, "re-examine the fees according to the national culture and 'a dellenostre missions and can not' be reserved only for some courageous delnostro time, but the desire of truth 'of a community' whole. "be right means to get to govern. But being right vuoldire also do not have to govern at all costs, selling out themselves, animacompresa. Be right also means knowing how to give up eincarichi seats, and majorities to benefices. Being right means having unadignità to defend. Being right means not betray that milionedi Italians who voted for us because we were outside the box, eravamodiversi who advocates a weak thought and unique.
We [therefore] the duty to open a dialogue cheoperano with all the forces in the center, starting with those related to identity and alterritorio, then talk to the PDL, the main subject politicodello deployment center.
be right and 'first option specifies a cultural and political, that we will not deny us the document and as diritto.Parte' which includes the "fellow travelers" or allealleanze, which does not reject "provided that there is respect and lospazio: not for us, but for the wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bcherappresentiamo. Provided they are accepted and shared the lead chevogliamo battles, which is never questioned the existence of The ergonomically policy ".__________________________________________________________________________ The Right motion, which contains specific policy options and the redesign delmodello Party in the territory, and 'was signed by FrancescoStorace, Constance Afan De Rivera, Paolo Agostinacchio, Domenico Aloisi, Alberto Arrighi, Louis D' Eramo, Massimo Desiati, Michele Di Cristo, BrunoEsposito Gino Ioppolo Limido Gabriele, Massimiliano Mammi, Italo Marri, Victor Mass, Antonino Monteleone, Nello Musumeci, Michael Napoli, Alberto Pascucci, Antonio Pezzella, Luisa regiments, Roberto Salerno, Antonella Sambruni, Paul Scaravelli, Pasquale Senatore, Aldo Traccheggiani.
MOTION - COMPLETE TEXT: point-of-life-ideas-for-not-dying-of-power
We [therefore] the duty to open a dialogue cheoperano with all the forces in the center, starting with those related to identity and alterritorio, then talk to the PDL, the main subject politicodello deployment center.
be right and 'first option specifies a cultural and political, that we will not deny us the document and as diritto.Parte' which includes the "fellow travelers" or allealleanze, which does not reject "provided that there is respect and lospazio: not for us, but for the wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bcherappresentiamo. Provided they are accepted and shared the lead chevogliamo battles, which is never questioned the existence of The ergonomically policy ".__________________________________________________________________________ The Right motion, which contains specific policy options and the redesign delmodello Party in the territory, and 'was signed by FrancescoStorace, Constance Afan De Rivera, Paolo Agostinacchio, Domenico Aloisi, Alberto Arrighi, Louis D' Eramo, Massimo Desiati, Michele Di Cristo, BrunoEsposito Gino Ioppolo Limido Gabriele, Massimiliano Mammi, Italo Marri, Victor Mass, Antonino Monteleone, Nello Musumeci, Michael Napoli, Alberto Pascucci, Antonio Pezzella, Luisa regiments, Roberto Salerno, Antonella Sambruni, Paul Scaravelli, Pasquale Senatore, Aldo Traccheggiani.
MOTION - COMPLETE TEXT: point-of-life-ideas-for-not-dying-of-power
Thursday, June 26, 2008
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Joseph Lonergan will be part of the General Secretariat of the Congress and Robert Salerno is the head of the Office National Electoral
It was concluded today in Rome, the National Political Committee of The Right and the occasion was inaugurated the new headquarters party in the central Via Luisa di Savoia 16, in Rome. During the meeting it was proposed an agenda for the National Congress which provides for the organization of the party. At the end of the political work was approved a document that can be summed up thus:
determination of the date of the National Congress in Rome for the 7/8/9 November 2008;
in September and October will be celebrated Congresses local
settlement of the General Secretariat of the Congress headed by Teodoro Buontempo, among whose members is the Speaker of Turin provincial Joseph Lonergan, Robert Salerno
appointment as Head of the Office National Electoral
summons on 19 / July 20, 2008 Organization of a planning conference in Orvieto.
This is to inform to the appropriate determinations of merit to the press and to managers and party leaders, sympathizers and the public at all.
Rome, June 26, 2008 The Right
Joseph Lonergan will be part of the General Secretariat of the Congress and Robert Salerno is the head of the Office National Electoral
It was concluded today in Rome, the National Political Committee of The Right and the occasion was inaugurated the new headquarters party in the central Via Luisa di Savoia 16, in Rome. During the meeting it was proposed an agenda for the National Congress which provides for the organization of the party. At the end of the political work was approved a document that can be summed up thus:
determination of the date of the National Congress in Rome for the 7/8/9 November 2008;
in September and October will be celebrated Congresses local
settlement of the General Secretariat of the Congress headed by Teodoro Buontempo, among whose members is the Speaker of Turin provincial Joseph Lonergan, Robert Salerno
appointment as Head of the Office National Electoral
summons on 19 / July 20, 2008 Organization of a planning conference in Orvieto.
This is to inform to the appropriate determinations of merit to the press and to managers and party leaders, sympathizers and the public at all.
Rome, June 26, 2008 The Right
Thursday, March 6, 2008
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Right: Santanchè, the hospital treated illegal immigrants and deported
fully intends to review the Bossi-Fini now totally inadequate and outdated: among the new measures ask that illegal immigrants who go to hospital for emergency cases should be treated and then immediately expelled from Italian territory. Daniela Santanche said this morning ', leading candidate of the right hand speaking on Unomattina.
'It is a way to begin to affect health care spending to restore Italy to the Italians and of course to the many honest immigrants that they comply with the laws of our nation. Zero tolerance towards illegal immigrants who commit crimes on our streets now and have turned even the emergency room and hospital ward in hospital admissions paid with the money of honest Italians, 'concludes the Santanche'.
fully intends to review the Bossi-Fini now totally inadequate and outdated: among the new measures ask that illegal immigrants who go to hospital for emergency cases should be treated and then immediately expelled from Italian territory. Daniela Santanche said this morning ', leading candidate of the right hand speaking on Unomattina.
'It is a way to begin to affect health care spending to restore Italy to the Italians and of course to the many honest immigrants that they comply with the laws of our nation. Zero tolerance towards illegal immigrants who commit crimes on our streets now and have turned even the emergency room and hospital ward in hospital admissions paid with the money of honest Italians, 'concludes the Santanche'.
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Buontempo symbol on election: "One more entangled were the attempts to hinder"
"The militants and leaders of The Right note with satisfaction that the elections was readmitted to the symbol of La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore. Once again, attempts to obstruct the right and the Flame of voter participation have been futile. The growing consensus, both in the polls has found wide popular participation in the demonstrations, will be further rewarded by the genuine desire of Italians to vote. Italian who understood that with the right, they are also defending freedom, identity politics and those rights trampled upon today by a bipartisan system that would reproduce the dominance of party oligarchies. Those who, in both the PDL and the Democratic Party, voting for the pardon have come out of prison about 20 thousand common criminals can not be credible when they talk about the certainty of punishment. Just The Right will be able in the future Parliament, to ensure that laws on justice will not continue to reward corrupt politicians and criminals. Who has made moves to keep us in the electoral contest will be the surprise of the name of our candidate for prime minister, Daniela Santanche, the sign '. It is the state president of The Right, Teodoro Buontempo.
"The militants and leaders of The Right note with satisfaction that the elections was readmitted to the symbol of La Destra-Fiamma Tricolore. Once again, attempts to obstruct the right and the Flame of voter participation have been futile. The growing consensus, both in the polls has found wide popular participation in the demonstrations, will be further rewarded by the genuine desire of Italians to vote. Italian who understood that with the right, they are also defending freedom, identity politics and those rights trampled upon today by a bipartisan system that would reproduce the dominance of party oligarchies. Those who, in both the PDL and the Democratic Party, voting for the pardon have come out of prison about 20 thousand common criminals can not be credible when they talk about the certainty of punishment. Just The Right will be able in the future Parliament, to ensure that laws on justice will not continue to reward corrupt politicians and criminals. Who has made moves to keep us in the electoral contest will be the surprise of the name of our candidate for prime minister, Daniela Santanche, the sign '. It is the state president of The Right, Teodoro Buontempo.
Monday, February 11, 2008
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"Tomorrow, at 12, Roman provincial and gather the pictures and we will launch the ticket-Buontempo Storace for the Province and the Municipality of Rome. " This was announced by the president of The Right, Teodoro Buontempo, former presidential candidate of the Province of Rome, according to which candidate the opportunity to see Storace on Capitol Hill "is much more than a hypothesis." "Or we go into coalition with our symbol or let alone risking everything - says the president of The Right. But no one be deceived that the level of amministrativetutto can begin to rebuild Rome. After the announcement, then sure - will not be able to stop the train. " According Buontempo is "irresponsible to risk once again, as happened in 2001 to win the center for petty calculations workshop that are made by the leaders. " The deputy then Roman recalls that "we have rejected the posts for the outgoing Members were assured that if we delete the symbol. We are not orphans or beggars policy - underlines Buontempo - we want to enter into Parliament with dignity. The mere fact that they have thought that we were immoral and release them on the street who believed in the political project means that, of course, know no other rules in civil life and in politics. "
"Tomorrow, at 12, Roman provincial and gather the pictures and we will launch the ticket-Buontempo Storace for the Province and the Municipality of Rome. " This was announced by the president of The Right, Teodoro Buontempo, former presidential candidate of the Province of Rome, according to which candidate the opportunity to see Storace on Capitol Hill "is much more than a hypothesis." "Or we go into coalition with our symbol or let alone risking everything - says the president of The Right. But no one be deceived that the level of amministrativetutto can begin to rebuild Rome. After the announcement, then sure - will not be able to stop the train. " According Buontempo is "irresponsible to risk once again, as happened in 2001 to win the center for petty calculations workshop that are made by the leaders. " The deputy then Roman recalls that "we have rejected the posts for the outgoing Members were assured that if we delete the symbol. We are not orphans or beggars policy - underlines Buontempo - we want to enter into Parliament with dignity. The mere fact that they have thought that we were immoral and release them on the street who believed in the political project means that, of course, know no other rules in civil life and in politics. "
Thursday, January 31, 2008
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The roots are the roots of the Right of Italy, the national organization in Trieste Confernza
On 10 February in Trieste will host the first conference of The Right organization, an important event in the elections administrative action taking place in many regions of Italy legalinstruments and possible early elections. E 'was chosen a date and a city symbol because it is precisely here that the roots of the Right italiana.L' fora will be held at the Palazzo dei Congressi of the Stazione Marittima, Molo Bersaglieri, 3
At 08:00 private ceremony with the laying of a wreath at the Cave of Bassovizza by Storace and Sen. the Hon. Buontempo
09:30 am Accreditation participants
10:00 am Greeting local authorities
Hours 10:15 Start planned interventions
Sen Francesco Storace
On Teodoro Buontempo
Sen Stefano Morselli
On Daniela Santanche
On Nello Musumeci
On Alberto Arrighi
Sen Stephen Losurdo
On Roberto Salerno
On Antonio Pezzella
At 14:30 Dr. Mondini already Baptist Town Clerk: electoral procedures
15:30 Debate
18:30 pm Closing remarks
15:30 Debate
18:30 pm Closing remarks
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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Storace and threats to the leaders of the center-right: can that barks does not bite but be careful ...
The long experience of politics and journalism would induce me to think and say "can he barks does not bite," but if that's folk wisdom is almost always true, it is true that must always be with her ears pricked. Be careful because in Italy there is always someone trying to barbaric policy. And the bullets delivered to the drafting of the Po Valley and the national secretary of the right hand are a clear signal that you want to poison the political climate and election now that you breathe in Bel Paese.Attenzione and supervision, so. Not out of hand, however, disturbing signs. Many say that the current climate is not certainly one of the '70s and '80s, the terrible years of lead, which brought so much sorrow in our country. Sure, there's the weather. At least in appearance. It can not be undeniable that Italian society is reduced to shambles. Those who were once pockets of exclusion today have become veritable river in which crime and pseudo terrorists can gather a full mani.La unemployment, mortgage crisis, the collapse of the value of salaries, the garbage crisis and the immigration are just some of the levers on which disabled "bad teachers" still in circles, perhaps masked by a pseudo-Islamic fundamentalism (which is now so fashionable), and fully riciclatisi can act. The journeyman of the revolution in Italy and abound when it comes to trade in the dark they do, maybe with some coupling of convenience who have never lost in these last thirty years. So beware. Attention to the bullets that come in sealed envelopes, attention to fire locations, attention to aggression or "proletarian expropriation", or Islamic fundamentalism, wire event where Osama bin Laden praising and shouting 10, 100, 1000 Nasiriyah (for nothing knowing the least the Islamic world and Islamic terrorism are two different things), because under the ashes the embers still burns. Despite their different motivations and actions from the years of people Piombo.La stanca e la fortuna è che l’italiano è fondamentalmente pigro e non avvezzo alla guerriglia. Esisto però un sottobosco che ama parlare di rivoluzione o rivolta. Certo, sono leit motive che ciclicamente ritornano. E’ un poco come le occupazioni delle Università o le manifestazioni contro la Chiesa e il Papa o contro il “Berlusconi di turno”. Cose che piacciono, che restano nel bagaglio personale. Qualcosa da poter poi raccontare a figli e nipoti. Roba da radical chic, da rivoluzionari da salotto. Eppure tra questi pseudo Che Guevara dei poveri c’è sempre qualcuno che ci cade veramente nella rete terroristica. Qualcuno che pensa di essere il vendicatore del proletariato. Una sorta di “unto del Signore” la cui missione è quella di “ripulire” l’Italia (e il mondo perché ovviamente ogni causa terzomondista è la sua) dagli imperialisti e dagli sfruttatori del proletariato e del sotto proletariato dimenticando, anzi non accorgendosi che lui con i sottoproletari non ha nulla a che vedere. Né per estrazione sociale né per convinzione politica.Una parodia rivoluzionaria che scade quasi sempre nell’ipocrisia di un mondo utopistico in cui vivere in poche decine di persone. Un mondo fuori dal mondo che però può sconfinare nel mondo reale provocando danni senza eguali.Per questo dico “attenzione”, cogliere i segnali che giungono dalla società, capire la società, viverla nel profondo senza arroccarsi in ivory towers peering at the horizon with binoculars. The only way you can avoid serious trouble for everyone. The experience of the Years of Lead us to serve as a warning. Dozens of young people murdered or died for the ideals have to think about. Sent to slaughter for a generation the political blindness of many seasoned with "spintarelle" of others in a senseless civil war, must make it clear to all that Italy could not withstand another bath sangue.E 'true, that can barks does not bite, but do be careful not to push him to do so. Just a little. Just be careful. Stefano Schiavi
The long experience of politics and journalism would induce me to think and say "can he barks does not bite," but if that's folk wisdom is almost always true, it is true that must always be with her ears pricked. Be careful because in Italy there is always someone trying to barbaric policy. And the bullets delivered to the drafting of the Po Valley and the national secretary of the right hand are a clear signal that you want to poison the political climate and election now that you breathe in Bel Paese.Attenzione and supervision, so. Not out of hand, however, disturbing signs. Many say that the current climate is not certainly one of the '70s and '80s, the terrible years of lead, which brought so much sorrow in our country. Sure, there's the weather. At least in appearance. It can not be undeniable that Italian society is reduced to shambles. Those who were once pockets of exclusion today have become veritable river in which crime and pseudo terrorists can gather a full mani.La unemployment, mortgage crisis, the collapse of the value of salaries, the garbage crisis and the immigration are just some of the levers on which disabled "bad teachers" still in circles, perhaps masked by a pseudo-Islamic fundamentalism (which is now so fashionable), and fully riciclatisi can act. The journeyman of the revolution in Italy and abound when it comes to trade in the dark they do, maybe with some coupling of convenience who have never lost in these last thirty years. So beware. Attention to the bullets that come in sealed envelopes, attention to fire locations, attention to aggression or "proletarian expropriation", or Islamic fundamentalism, wire event where Osama bin Laden praising and shouting 10, 100, 1000 Nasiriyah (for nothing knowing the least the Islamic world and Islamic terrorism are two different things), because under the ashes the embers still burns. Despite their different motivations and actions from the years of people Piombo.La stanca e la fortuna è che l’italiano è fondamentalmente pigro e non avvezzo alla guerriglia. Esisto però un sottobosco che ama parlare di rivoluzione o rivolta. Certo, sono leit motive che ciclicamente ritornano. E’ un poco come le occupazioni delle Università o le manifestazioni contro la Chiesa e il Papa o contro il “Berlusconi di turno”. Cose che piacciono, che restano nel bagaglio personale. Qualcosa da poter poi raccontare a figli e nipoti. Roba da radical chic, da rivoluzionari da salotto. Eppure tra questi pseudo Che Guevara dei poveri c’è sempre qualcuno che ci cade veramente nella rete terroristica. Qualcuno che pensa di essere il vendicatore del proletariato. Una sorta di “unto del Signore” la cui missione è quella di “ripulire” l’Italia (e il mondo perché ovviamente ogni causa terzomondista è la sua) dagli imperialisti e dagli sfruttatori del proletariato e del sotto proletariato dimenticando, anzi non accorgendosi che lui con i sottoproletari non ha nulla a che vedere. Né per estrazione sociale né per convinzione politica.Una parodia rivoluzionaria che scade quasi sempre nell’ipocrisia di un mondo utopistico in cui vivere in poche decine di persone. Un mondo fuori dal mondo che però può sconfinare nel mondo reale provocando danni senza eguali.Per questo dico “attenzione”, cogliere i segnali che giungono dalla società, capire la società, viverla nel profondo senza arroccarsi in ivory towers peering at the horizon with binoculars. The only way you can avoid serious trouble for everyone. The experience of the Years of Lead us to serve as a warning. Dozens of young people murdered or died for the ideals have to think about. Sent to slaughter for a generation the political blindness of many seasoned with "spintarelle" of others in a senseless civil war, must make it clear to all that Italy could not withstand another bath sangue.E 'true, that can barks does not bite, but do be careful not to push him to do so. Just a little. Just be careful. Stefano Schiavi
Monday, January 21, 2008
How To Sucked The Cow Milk
Storace: "Even if Napolitano appoints 14 senators for life you save Prodi, and now once to vote" THIRTY YEARS AFTER ACCA
"156 Senators with the center, 158 with the center. Then he went Turigliatto: 157 peers. Then they went three mastelliani. Down to 154. Fisichella is there and there are 153. I stood at a granite diniani maybe. Could go to 150. Even if Napolitano appoints 14 senators for life saved. Prodi at home and let us vote. " E 'states as the national secretary of The Right, Francesco Storace.
Monday, January 7, 2008
How Long Does The Average Kidney Infection Last

missini be there when it meant risking his skin, we ventured for years, some of us have been killed, no one has ever given up.
We now have the same spirit yesterday to rebuild a country.
We make sure that: the martyrs are never ashamed of us.
give rise to a right worthy to take up the torch of hope for a better tomorrow.
Honor to the fallen!
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