Come tutti saprete il 23 aprile scorso, il rom Marco Ahmetovic, malvivente di 22 anni, ubriaco fradicio alla guida del suo furgone travolse e uccise ad Appiagnano del Tronto (AP) quattro ragazzi: Danilo Traini, Eleonora Allevi, Davide Corradetti e Alex Luciani, la cui età era compresa fra i 16 e i 19 anni.Condannato in primo grado a sei anni e mezzoper omicidio colposo plurimo, oggi Ahmetovic “sconta” la pena agli arresti domiciliari in un comodo residence di San Benedetto del Tronto vista mare.
Dopo questa assurda “non pena” che ci lascia allibiti e rabbiosi, siamo costretti a sentire un’ altra oscenità legata a questa vicenda; cioè il fatto che il rom Ahmetovic si prepara ad avere un futuro da piccola star super pagata! Infatti il discutibile manager Tuscan Alessio Sunadas with its advertising agency, "Company & communication model agency with headquarters in Florence and Rome, has signed a contract to house thousands of € Ahmetovic among its customers.
This is absurd! Instead of serving the just and lasting pain to this regrettable rom you do become an overpaid star in the face of the four children killed and their families! Incredible and morally disconcerting!
For this we propose to boycott:
-l 'advertising agency' Company & communication agency model "Alessio Sundas-the publishing house Edizioni srl European Gutenberg" which will publish the book-all Ahmetovic those companies that work with the agency Alessio Sundas and taking advantage of this as the gypsy-TV, broadcasts and newspapers that give the space (and money ..) in this rom-Residence "Las Vegas" in San Benedetto del Tronto hosting Ahmetovic
This boycott will be actively trying to get things back to normal and not passively accept this disgraceful situation!
Until then there will be this shameful judiciary and this was unworthy of things, we should not complain if the people in Italy shall take the law into one ...
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