The organization of work, the statutes, the planning document
good right at all.
This post will be very special and please run it on the network.
As you know, 10 and 11 November will take place 'in Rome the constituent assembly for the right and we must be prepared to important event in a few years and we remember with pride, perhaps saying "I was there ... I can inform the program of work on the regulations and on paper. In particular, these two documents will be submitted to the vote of the Assembly as a political proposal to launch Italy: Any proposed changes will be sent to these statutes Luciano Buono, luciano.buonocore @ fastwebnet.it , and the planning document to Alberto Arrighi, arrighi.alberto @ libero.it . Your proposals must be received by Saturday, October 27, so as to incorporate those into the final design will be considered more consistent with the message of a new party, free, right vera.L 'Meeting will be held on November 11 and 10 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome in Piazzale Kennedy, 1. The building will be visible in the distance through which the flags of the Right sventoleranno.All 'stand outside the building will be used with information that will distribute brochures, leaflets and gadgets.
Saturday 10
10.00 am: Beginning of accreditation, at the Kennedy atrium, which will be managed by the hostess present at their desk, they will be as follows: - will be used for printing the left atrium perfacilitarne access to the room reserved for them, - for members of the central part divided into several desk letterainiziale cognome.Al time of accreditation will be given the ticket to participate in the Constituent Assembly, the badge of the party, flag, status and the background document of Costituente.Avvenuti credits the participants will be welcomed into the Hall of culture.
15.00: Opening session . Address by Hon
BONTEMPI President Teodoro de 'La Destra'Intervento Hon Nello Musumeci
ORE 17.10: Speech by President Mr Silvio BERLUSCONI, preceded by a brief greeting from the breast. Francesco Storace
AT 18.00 : Resumption of work-Senator Francis STORACE proposed Constituent Assembly l’Ufficio di Presidenza.
ORE 18.10 :- Primo intervento Alberto ARRIGHI sul documento programmatico.- Secondo intervento Luciano BUONOCORE sullo statuto.A seguire dibattito con interventi programmati dei PORTAVOCE REGIONALI(dieci minuti a testa).
ORE 21.30 :CENA
ORE 09.30 :Ripresa dei lavori. Continuazione del dibattito e interventi programmati di On.le Pezzella; Sen. Morselli; On.le Salerno; Sen. Lo Surdo
ORE 12.00 (ma l’orario è solo indicativo, potrebbe slittare al pomeriggio):DIBATTITO
- Al termine del dibattito, intervento conclusivo del Segretario Nazionale de La Destra Sen. Francesco Storace
- Vote on the Constitution and the document of the Constituent Assembly.
SECRETARIAT Dr Luisa Studio REGIMENT-mail: studioregimenti@libero.it CELL. 3470093515TEL. 06.8082938 TEL. Tel 06.80662287
Party headquarters The Right: 06.32652669
HOTEL BOOKINGS FOR EVERY NEED: 393.31381900 or 393.2241749 (Sig.na Anna Rita)
Please note that any agreement will start a shuttle checondurrà hotel guests at the Convention Centre and at the end lavorisaranno brought back to the hotel with the same medium.
Act, the State of The Right
Read the background document
Read il manifesto fondante
L’organizzazione attuale del Movimento La Destra
Stampa la scheda di adesione al Movimento La Destra
good right at all.
This post will be very special and please run it on the network.
As you know, 10 and 11 November will take place 'in Rome the constituent assembly for the right and we must be prepared to important event in a few years and we remember with pride, perhaps saying "I was there ... I can inform the program of work on the regulations and on paper. In particular, these two documents will be submitted to the vote of the Assembly as a political proposal to launch Italy: Any proposed changes will be sent to these statutes Luciano Buono, luciano.buonocore @ fastwebnet.it , and the planning document to Alberto Arrighi, arrighi.alberto @ libero.it . Your proposals must be received by Saturday, October 27, so as to incorporate those into the final design will be considered more consistent with the message of a new party, free, right vera.L 'Meeting will be held on November 11 and 10 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome in Piazzale Kennedy, 1. The building will be visible in the distance through which the flags of the Right sventoleranno.All 'stand outside the building will be used with information that will distribute brochures, leaflets and gadgets.
Saturday 10
10.00 am: Beginning of accreditation, at the Kennedy atrium, which will be managed by the hostess present at their desk, they will be as follows: - will be used for printing the left atrium perfacilitarne access to the room reserved for them, - for members of the central part divided into several desk letterainiziale cognome.Al time of accreditation will be given the ticket to participate in the Constituent Assembly, the badge of the party, flag, status and the background document of Costituente.Avvenuti credits the participants will be welcomed into the Hall of culture.
15.00: Opening session . Address by Hon
BONTEMPI President Teodoro de 'La Destra'Intervento Hon Nello Musumeci
ORE 17.10: Speech by President Mr Silvio BERLUSCONI, preceded by a brief greeting from the breast. Francesco Storace
AT 18.00 : Resumption of work-Senator Francis STORACE proposed Constituent Assembly l’Ufficio di Presidenza.
ORE 18.10 :- Primo intervento Alberto ARRIGHI sul documento programmatico.- Secondo intervento Luciano BUONOCORE sullo statuto.A seguire dibattito con interventi programmati dei PORTAVOCE REGIONALI(dieci minuti a testa).
ORE 21.30 :CENA
ORE 09.30 :Ripresa dei lavori. Continuazione del dibattito e interventi programmati di On.le Pezzella; Sen. Morselli; On.le Salerno; Sen. Lo Surdo
ORE 12.00 (ma l’orario è solo indicativo, potrebbe slittare al pomeriggio):DIBATTITO
- Al termine del dibattito, intervento conclusivo del Segretario Nazionale de La Destra Sen. Francesco Storace
- Vote on the Constitution and the document of the Constituent Assembly.
SECRETARIAT Dr Luisa Studio REGIMENT-mail: studioregimenti@libero.it CELL. 3470093515TEL. 06.8082938 TEL. Tel 06.80662287
Party headquarters The Right: 06.32652669
HOTEL BOOKINGS FOR EVERY NEED: 393.31381900 or 393.2241749 (Sig.na Anna Rita)
Please note that any agreement will start a shuttle checondurrà hotel guests at the Convention Centre and at the end lavorisaranno brought back to the hotel with the same medium.
Act, the State of The Right
Read the background document
Read il manifesto fondante
L’organizzazione attuale del Movimento La Destra
Stampa la scheda di adesione al Movimento La Destra
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