Monday, February 28, 2011

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Triveni PROVINCES OF THE TOURNAMENT (Belluno) 27 Feb. 2011

Verona torna sul podio nel Trofeo delle province Venete. Ieri a Belluno la rappresentativa di Verona categoria Ragazzi e Ragazze ha conquistato un ottimo terzo posto dietro gli squadroni delle province di Vicenza e Treviso.

Un sentito ringraziamento agli atleti e ai tecnici che hanno contribuito a questo successo.

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Curto: "In V Committee, the bill on alternative energy systems registry"

"With the inclusion of the bill on the establishment of the Registry of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels in the arguments that the Fifth Committee of the Region of Puglia council will consider Wednesday, March 2, marks the first concrete step towards the regulation of a sector ravaged by guidelines too permissive and late national awareness of the regional government. "
to declare and the UDC in the regional council deputy leader, Euprepio Curto, inspiration, and lead author of the bill.
"Finally - Curtis continues - we'll begin that action monitoring e controllo sulla identità dei soggetti che stanno investendo risorse faraoniche nell’ambito delle energie rinnovabili, sulla natura e la provenienza di tali risorse, sull’utilizzo di eventuali prestanomi, nonché su eventuali tentativi d’infiltrazione in questo settore da parte del crimine comune ed organizzato, fatto che, ove confermato, si sommerebbe alle devastazioni economiche e ambientali di cui la Puglia, e soprattutto la provincia di Brindisi, sono state vittime”.
“Ma sarà pure l’occasione – ha incalzato Curto – per verificare la disponibilità del governo regionale ad una moratoria che consenta di fare il punto su una situation has long been out of control, especially in certain provinces of Puglia. "
"It is for this reason - said the politician's party Pier Ferdinando Casini - that if the regional government would not deem appropriate on a regional scale, I will propose that the moratorium is turned on for at least the worst-hit provinces of Brindisi, in the first place "

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Friday, February 25, 2011

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Campostrini Foundation Research Center is organizing a meeting dedicated to the law to engage young people and adults in a debate on the legality of allowing them to dwell in particular on the concept of convenience or inconvenience, both economic and social meaning respect / violation of rules.
's meeting entitled "RULES OF THE GAME, THE GAME RULES. REASONS FOR SPORT AND LEGALITY '"will be moderated by dott.Pierpaolo Romans and will be attended by dott.Sandro Donati and Damiano Tommasi.
click on the link for more news

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modificata la classifica cadetti della Mini-indoor di Bussolengo del 5 febbraio 2011

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pubblicati i risultati del 2° Biathlon per esordienti A-B-C del 19 febbraio 2011 campo Consolini

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Phrases For Baby Delivery

Vero o Falso?

We always ourselves as something special, hard to tell if not through speeches or profound metaphors more or less effective. And with us, are not of immediate communication of our thoughts. Some remain there, waiting for refining. More rising slowly up and convince us of something. Still others are quickly up and form our ideas. Internal processes, which normally belong psychological area.
Then, in the midst of casual conversation are other people - external to one's feelings or to a particular context - that we hold out - almost violently - an enlightening truth on which we reflect (maybe) for months, which had arrived with difficulty and conviction.

the end of a session , the great musician Marco Carpita Shinseikai asks me about discipline, and how long they are practicing.
Less than two years, I say.
Then you've just started. You should not be yellow belt? - He tells me.
I tell him that the passage of the belt has been subject to tough scrutiny and Shinseikai, and that there is no 'fast track'.
I see. And he says, including: "Do not you just get what you pay anyone."

Another example.
Accompanying Alex and Lara to swimming session, the parents disagree about the practice of swimming and sports in general. Who runs, who takes, who swims. I express my admiration and passion for swimming, which do not practice for some time. One of the mothers asked me why. Said in a minimal my minimal experience and minimal results in the world of Karate.
widened his eyes and says, "Then you train the mind, as well as the body."

Never overstated, never underestimate the other, in karate and in life. Karate in a shot can send you to the mat, in life a simple truth that other can make you feel cocky, and make you fall anyway.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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The national secretary of the UDC, Lorenzo Cesa, Bari: I hope Vendola Lease have problems

BARI -" I hope today you find any solution to any problem. " He said the national secretary of the UDC, Lorenzo Cesa, parlando con i giornalisti dell’incontro sul Piano per il Sud in corso a Bari fra il presidente della Regione Puglia, Nichi Vendola, e il ministro per i Rapporti con le Regioni, Raffaele Fitto. Cesa ha aggiunto che «tutti gli indicatori che riguardano questa regione sono indicatori negativi. Fino ad ora sono stati fatti grandi proclami e pochi fatti». «Ci auguriamo – ha ribadito – che con oggi almeno esca qualche fatto a sostegno della economia pugliese. A sostegno anche dell’esigenza di realizzare delle infrastrutture che ammodernino questa regione». «Altrimenti – ha concluso Cesa – è inutile parlare di sviluppo e fare voli pindarici».

"We do not support all the government Vendola. We are in opposition in this region "and are" responsible opposition, yes. " Thus, the national secretary of the UDC, Lorenzo Cesa, replied when asked if the UDC will continue to support the junta Vendola.

"When you need to lend a hand because of the positive steps Vendola door - he said - we support them." "Besides - added Cesa - today Vendola meets its greatest opponent that is dense then we do not see why we can not provide support, where we believe it is useful, the government Vendola. "But basically - he concluded - we are in opposition, always show in the regional council, we are in opposition of the governor Vendola.

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Baby steps.

Mirrors of the Dojo is limited - silent - to reflect that snap pictures quickly, and seem to slow down to make way for a new twist. The sounds are synchronized to the movements, amplified by the reverberation of the room used as Dojo and the past training. I look at a mirror with the angle of look lopsided. A white stain, static, but out of focus.

Technically I'm eighteen months. Not every month. Shinseikai months.

A bimbadulto raised in the dojo, wearing karategi, imprisoned in the body of a quasiquarantottenne trying to chatter the language of adults ( Kihon), sometimes playing with older children (the Kumite) and often limited to watching things and forms that can not fully understand (s Kata ). Among some period of time will be the "why?" And unsolved questions seeking answers. For each because will follow another, as in a kinetic chain that Sensei is careful to explain in class.

The child is in a position of start / wait command. Cerca di liberare la mente da pensieri inutili, che ritornano dalla porta di servizio rimbalzando sulla possibilità di svolgere un allenamento A (dove pensa di aver eseguito bene i comandi e le tecniche, e verrà in seguito smentito), un allenamento B (dove crede di aver eseguito bene comandi e tecniche ma in realtà non l'ha fatto e viene smentito subito, pronto cassa) o un allenamento C (dove sente di aver sbagliato tutto e invoca un microscopio per recuperare l'Ego oramai ridotto a livello  ångström). Pensando alle tre possibilità (A, B o C) la mente si riempie ed il bimbo perde la concentrazione (" perché la perdo? ") e perde - soprattutto - The time for proper control and related technology.

Perhaps Karate is just clear your mind of thoughts and their echo, to make way for the merger and the desire to practice. Moreover, talent is also perservare training. And not only karate, but also in other disciplines. Running, for example. Write.

The important thing is to start over.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

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The last Feb. 4, 2011, the new Regional Coordinator of the Young Swiss People's Party Dr. Michael Crow has called for the first regional assembly, creating the new course of the Youth Movement Pugliese. In this first meeting it was decided to divide people by coordinating "I believe local branches are the heart of the party and beyond that we need to strengthen our shared project of youth, the first step is to divide the appointment of provincial youth leaders." After careful reconnaissance in the region, Dr. Crow has decided to set up the first appointments provincial for the Province of Bari Attorney. Niki Bufo Provincial Coordinator and President Dr. Joseph Rella, for the Province of Foggia Arch. Joseph Tricarico Provincial Coordinator and Chairman Dr. Sergio Izzi, for the Province of Brindisi Dr. Adolfo Sartorio Provincial Coordinator and President, Mr. Pier Francesco Palmariggi, for the Province of Lecce Attorney. Remo Cagnazzo Provincial Coordinator and Mr. President Luca Bartolotti, for the Province of Taranto Dr. Vito Mastronardi Provincial Coordinator and President, Mr. Renato Carrieri.
"All I ask of presidents and coordinators to follow up the objectives set by the first Regional Assembly and wish them good job, ensuring maximum readiness to promote any action that would energize the political project of the Center Union Party Around the Nation "continued Cornacchia" In the coming days I will also appoint the coordinator of the BAT to close it the provincial plan and then start with the appointment of the Regional Directorate.
definitely the most widely We take this opportunity to extend cordial regards.

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Friday, February 18, 2011

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

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On February 21, Lorenzo Cesa at Bari and Molfetta

Dear friends, the national secretary of the UDC, On Lorenzo Cesa, will be in Bari, on Monday February 21, at 11 am at the regional secretariat in Via Dante n. 33. In the afternoon, at 18.30, Molfetta public meeting in the Council Chamber at City Hall. Do not miss it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Gravina, Young UDC: This antenna is not to be done.

The youth movement UDC, hearing the news of the week "The Rest" last February 12, 2011, of a possible new beginning of work on the construction of the antenna by dell'Italfer, the company that manages the work of the Ferrovie dello Stato, Piazza San Pio and convinced that the only denial of press releases from the staff of the Mayor are not sufficient to reassure the citizens, trying to make a careful analysis and technical whole issue, trying to provide other useful items to the cause in question.

The antenna in question was basically the main function of facilitating communication between drivers, improving the safety of trains. Sarà vero?
A noi basta elencare pochi punti per capire l’inutilità di essa:
1. La costruzione di essa avverrebbe in prossimità di un binario ferroviario “morto”, dove ci sono uno, due, massimo tre corse al dì.

2. Il funzionamento del sistema che permette la comunicazione tra i macchinisti è resa possibile solo se i ripetitori “si vedono”. Questo avviene solo se le antenne sono a quota uguale fra loro. Il mostro in questione quindi, a meno che sia di altezza superiore a 50 metri , non vedrebbe mai gli altri capi. Quindi la tratta non potrebbe comunicare mai.

E’ di facile comprensione che il vero motivo per la costruzione e la vera funzione di tal antenna sia il potenziamento della propria “rete”, da parte di un noto gestore telefonico.
Costruirla “a tutti i costi”, incurante che questo mostro possa essere pericolosissimo per l’ incolumità dei cittadini gravinesi e possa sfregiare la storia artistico-culturale della capitale dei peuceti. Tanto alla fine l’importante è racimolare pochi euro, sempre e comunque.

That said, today's Youth Union of the Centre, after sending a letter to the Head of State last June on this issue, make an 'appeal to the entire community Gravel asking not to be indifferent to the issue and strongly requests the City Administration, especially the Mayor Mr John Divella, although it is still in a delicate period of testing, a serious commitment to mobilize (maybe all together through a city demonstration) to the definitive suspension of work in this area.

UdC Gravina Young
Ignatius Lovero

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Denise Milani Syndrome

Longo: "The Regions have the right to legislate on air quality

There is a specter that is haunting the skies of Puglia: benzo (a) pyrene. This code should not be totally unknown to the general public, especially to the inhabitants of the most polluted areas in our region, first of all citizens of the district Drums of Taranto, but in any case it should be remembered that this is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in the class of benzopyrene, which, to put it in a nutshell, esprime una pericolosità terrificante, trattandosi di una delle prime sostanze di cui si è accertata la cancerogenicità. Naturalmente, questo flagello aeriforme dovrebbe essere debellato, o comunque consentito in limiti ridottissimi nell’aria che respiriamo, anche perché per dirla tutta non è stata ancora accertata a tutt’oggi una soglia di benzo(a)pirene al di sotto della quale si può star tranquilli. Ora, al di là delle roventi polemiche in corso tra il governo attuale e le varie associazioni ambientalistiche pugliesi sul valore massimo delle emissioni (e il fatto che per tali valori si citino frazioni di nanogrammo per metro cubo dà la misura della pericolosità della sostanza), credo che non mi si possa accusare environmentalist extremism if condemns, once again, the improvident decision contained in Decree Law 155 of 2010 to remove the right regions, sacrosanct, to legislate on the quality of air, and on public health: an inalienable right, untouchable by any unavoidable calculation of industrial policy or whatever.

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De Leonardis:" Not one euro must be removed from the South "

"Once again we are here on the barricades to defend the South by the latest theft, this time disguised as an amendment to the decree 'milleproroghe' approved last February 10 in Senate Budget Committee. " The claims in a statement of the Seventh Regional Councillor and President of Institutional Affairs, De Leonardis Giannicola which emphasizes that "not a mere question of figures, one hundred million as claimed by the commissioner of public works Fabiano Amati-five as minimized by Mr Rocco obvious: it is a matter of principle. The emergency is such hydrogeological also in our region and in Subappennino dauno in particular, represents a serious threat to many municipalities and citizens, and weather events 'exceptional' is not focused in recent years, only in Liguria and Veneto ".
"I think so serious the removal of even one euro of resources allocated to the South - continues De Leonardis - and I think the continuing intolerable 'make money' using and diverting funds that would be elsewhere instead of vital importance not only to emergencies but to finally put in place a 'appropriate preventive action. "
"So I hope that parliamentarians southern confronted with the responsibility of the Councillor Amati beyond political affiliations - concludes De Leonardis - show a burst of pride and interest in the fate of territory that should be even. With an action intended to remove an amendment profoundly unjust and unfair, it downloads the southern regions of the consequences of a policy focused solely on cuts, a dress rehearsal of federalism in light years away from the elementary principles of solidarity and subsidiarity "

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Longo:" Just stepping up action to promote women's work "

"Reading the latest figures on female employment in Puglia, we discover that if you do not have the black shirt, of course the latest positions in Italy. Suffice it to mention one fact: in front of a national employment rate of approximately 46% in our region remains a meager 27%, that we work less than three out of ten women.
A very unflattering for a given territory, rightly counted as a civilian in an evolving and dynamic economic and cultural. It is fully supported, therefore, the recent call by the regional, Elena Gentile, the need for more action to encourage women to work, and it is also right that points to policies that encourage creativity and pure talent of women, logic rather than persevere in antiquated and counterproductive welfarism.
And in this regard, allow me a suggestion for the beautiful and interesting set of 'Justice to the theater,' which is so successful receiving the Petruzzelli of Bari as inputs to the next process, I propose a prototype of masculinity, a specimen in the round of 'macho', a worthy representative, in short, narrow-minded and backward thinking that continues to believe that our women unworthy or unable to bear full stars of our time. "