Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bleeding With A Kidney Infection

the motion of Francesco Storace

mozione.Dopo is the work of consultation with many members of the committee politiconazionale, deposit today to the secretary general of the congress, ildocumento political - that the public attached and the post will remain 'until adomenica to give everyone the chance to' read it carefully ecommentarlo - I propose for the assizes La Destra.Lo we have signed in 25. How 'known, 12 have signed the basic document Daniela Santanche'. Missing signatures of those who institutionally restasopra sides - and agree - that the party chairman, TeodoroBuontempo, the chairman of the ethics committee, Antonio Rastrelli, the members garantedegli Livio Proietti.Due members of the Political Committee, Centorame, Riccio, will make their choice to congresso.Il document bearing the signatures of the vast majority of the committee siintitola "To live not to die for ideals of power" and is 'As we stated in continuita'con to the Constituent Assembly in Rome. The struggle to assert leproprie ideas in society 'and' much more 'important alribasso a compromise in the name of power at all costi.Lo evidenced by the following routes, the choice of Trieste and the Right does not mean campagnaelettorale.Essere remain ghettoized unlontano or anchored to the past, which must be respected without foolish embarrassment, "re-examine the fees according to the national culture and 'a dellenostre missions and can not' be reserved only for some courageous delnostro time, but the desire of truth 'of a community' whole. "be right means to get to govern. But being right vuoldire also do not have to govern at all costs, selling out themselves, animacompresa. Be right also means knowing how to give up eincarichi seats, and majorities to benefices. Being right means having unadignità to defend. Being right means not betray that milionedi Italians who voted for us because we were outside the box, eravamodiversi who advocates a weak thought and unique.
We [therefore] the duty to open a dialogue cheoperano with all the forces in the center, starting with those related to identity and alterritorio, then talk to the PDL, the main subject politicodello deployment center.
be right and 'first option specifies a cultural and political, that we will not deny us the document and as diritto.Parte' which includes the "fellow travelers" or allealleanze, which does not reject "provided that there is respect and lospazio: not for us, but for the wealth of ideas and values \u200b\u200bcherappresentiamo. Provided they are accepted and shared the lead chevogliamo battles, which is never questioned the existence of The ergonomically policy ".__________________________________________________________________________ The Right motion, which contains specific policy options and the redesign delmodello Party in the territory, and 'was signed by FrancescoStorace, Constance Afan De Rivera, Paolo Agostinacchio, Domenico Aloisi, Alberto Arrighi, Louis D' Eramo, Massimo Desiati, Michele Di Cristo, BrunoEsposito Gino Ioppolo Limido Gabriele, Massimiliano Mammi, Italo Marri, Victor Mass, Antonino Monteleone, Nello Musumeci, Michael Napoli, Alberto Pascucci, Antonio Pezzella, Luisa regiments, Roberto Salerno, Antonella Sambruni, Paul Scaravelli, Pasquale Senatore, Aldo Traccheggiani.
MOTION - COMPLETE TEXT: point-of-life-ideas-for-not-dying-of-power